Sunday, June 24, 2012

Quotes to live by

"When you esteem others, you receive esteem in return." ~ Unknown Author

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Quotes to live by

"Learn from today, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." ~ Albert Einstein

Thursday, June 14, 2012

It Is Worth It

If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking
By Emily Dickinson

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.

The reason I write this blog, besides the fact that I love doing it, is because I desire to help others. It is my hope that others who read it will be able to receive something that will help them with the things they face in their life. Maybe there is something that I have experienced or something that I have learned that can make it easier for them. And even though I would love to reach many people, even if it were only one it would not be in vain. If there were only one person who ever found any good to incorporate into their lives from the things that I have written and shared it would be worth it.

Too often we go through life thinking that in order to do good, contribute, or succeed it must be on some grand scale. When in reality it doesn't have to be grand, large, or on a big scale; it just has to be. The things that we do in this life may not mean much to the world but it can mean the world to the one we do it for. How many times has someone done something just for you and it meant everything to you? Or how many times have you done something just for one person and saw that it meant everything to them? The things we do for one can be more powerful than we realize with greater far reaching effects than we think.

When going about your day, do not discount the things you do or talk yourself out of doing them because they are small or just for one person. Appreciate the good qualities in yourself for being inspired to do them and then bless your life and the lives of others by taking action and doing them. Being able to see a need and having a desire to fill that need speaks volumes about the person you are. Be grateful for the attributes that represents in you. Know that the little acts of goodness you share and spread not only bless yourself and the individual you help but it also affects the lives of everyone. We are all connected and are influenced by the deeds of others. If those deeds are good ones you influence all for good.

So know that there are no small acts and when we help one, we help all. All the good you do is not in vain and it is well worth it. It is through these small acts that you help to change the world.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Quotes to live by

"Remember, the thoughts that you think and the statements you make regarding yourself determine your mental attitude. If you have a worthwhile objective, find the one reason why you can achieve it rather than hundreds of reasons why you can't." ~ Napolean Hill

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Just Forget About It

Forget It
By An Unknown Author

If you see a tall fellow ahead of the crowd,
A leader of music, marching fearless and proud,
And you know of a tale whose mere telling aloud
Would cause his proud head to in anguish be bowed,
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a skeleton hidden away
In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day
In the dark; whose showing, whose sudden display
Would cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay,
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a spot in the life of a friend
(We all have spots concealed, world without end)
Whose touching his heartstrings would sadden or rend,
Till the shame of its showing no grieving could mend,
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

If you know of a thing that will darken the joy
Of a man or a woman, a girl or a boy,
That will wipe out a smile or the least way annoy
A fellow, or cause any gladness to cloy,
It's a pretty good plan to forget it.

This poem asks us to forget those things that we know about another that would cause them unnecessary grief and pain. It asks us not to make them into public displays to cause harm. The purpose for this is that no good can come from it. When someone makes a mistake it only causes pain and strains or ruins relationships when we make fun sport out of them. It not only harms them but it diminishes us as well.

I don't think the author is asking us to ignore a hurt or pain that happens when someone does something to us. I believe we need to address these things with the person in a private manner to let them know how we feel and bring resolution, healing, and closure to it. The sooner we resolve it the better so that we are not left stewing over it. Just keep perspective about it; most of the time people are not aware of the effect they are having on us because they are busy with their own thoughts and perspectives of situations, their own feelings and the experiences they are having.

The author asks us to forget the "spots" of others but I also believe we need to forget our own spots as well. We need to take the time to learn from those mistakes that we have made and make amends when necessary but we need to move on and stop whipping ourselves with them. How often are we raking ourselves over the coals for things we have done in the past. Regardless of making amends and the things we have learned from them we take our mistakes and punish ourselves for not being better. Rather than celebrating our successes we tend to bring the spots up as a reminder of our imperfections and that we have to work on something else before we can be happy.

As long as you have done what is necessary to rectify things, move forward with life and let it go. Just fix it and forget it. Do this as a gift to yourself so you can enjoy your successes in life. Do this with others so you can enjoy your relationships. And when someone else's "spot" causes you grief, forgive them and forget it. Doing this isn't about them it's about you; it allows you to heal and move forward in life rather than being stuck in that moment forever in pain.

So go and be happy and let others be happy too by planning to forget about it.