Now that we have thought about what we want and why. And now that we have shared our goals with others, le'ts talk about some of the obstacles we may face in pursuing them. However an obstacle may show itself, they all have one thing in common; fear. The obstacle appears because somewhere within us is a fear about obtaining the thing we desire. The fear can be anything like a fear of failing while pursuing the goal or losing it once we have it. It can be fear of being ridiculed for wanting it in the first place. This may be because we feel they don't think we should have it, they are jealous, or think there's no way we could obtain it so we are foolish to even try. Maybe we're afraid of what others will think of us for wanting it or what we will have to do, change or give up in order to have it. There are also fears about doing any number of things like speaking up for yourself or speaking in public. There are all kinds of fears like this that we may have to face in pursuing the goals we have made. The list of what we fear goes on and on and in reality it has no end because our imaginations have no limit. I say this because there is a secret to fear that most people are unaware of and the secret is that it is not real.
Now don't get me wrong, the feelings, thoughts and emotions we are having are very real but the fear itself is not. I saw a movie trailer a few days ago that has a quote I want to share with you that I think clearly describes the point I am trying to make. The movie is about a father and son that crash land on a planet with creatures that desire to kill them. The father is injured and he is trying to prepare his son for the things that they will have to face in order to survive. The father is speaking to his son when he says this, "Fear is not real. It is a product of your thoughts and feelings. Don't misunderstand me, danger is very real. Fear is a choice."
What I hope you are able to see from the things that I am sharing with you is that more than likely it is not the thing we fear that we must let go of but rather the fear we have about it. The fear we are experiencing is really our own thoughts and feelings. The great thing about knowing this is it gives us the power and control on letting go of our fears because we are the ones that decide what we think and feel. And here I used the phrase 'letting go of our fears' because it is as simple as that. We just have to let go of the thoughts and feelings that help to create the fear in the first place. It isn't something that needs to be conquered, defeated or overcome. It is as simple as letting them drift away if we choose.
Choice is what this is all about. Fear is a choice; we choose to create it and we choose whether or not to believe in it. Every day with every thought and feeling we have we are making a choice to create fear and whether or not to believe in it. We are always making these choices every moment of every day even if we are not consciously aware of it.
It may feel overwhelming or daunting to think of fear and our ability to be free of it in this way, but it is true. It may also feel hard to see a way to change the thoughts and feelings that help to create fear in our lives if we are not consciously aware that we are even doing it in the first place. But the solution is much simpler than we realize. The answer to letting go of our fears is simply to become aware of what we are thinking and why. When we do this we become conscious of what we think which helps us to understand our feelings about things. Once we become aware of the what and why's of our thoughts and feelings we can then begin to change what we decide to think in regards to the thing that we are afraid of. We use our ability to reason to help with this process.
Doing these simple things can feel hard at first. Even though it may feel this way, if you stick with it you will begin to notice the positive changes occur that you are working towards. The more you do it the easier it will become until this is the way that your thinking process functions. It will become more natural and like second nature. Overtime you will begin to react less fearful towards the unknown events that occur in life and be more eager to pursue the desires and dreams that you have put off in the past because you were afraid.
I promise that if you truly put forth honest effort when doing this and pray earnestly for the strength and guidance to do this, you will be be happy with the outcome. God bless you in your efforts to find the success you desire.
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