
Embracing the light you are

Class Description:
Most of us define ourselves by things that place our value and self-worth on a foundation of sand. It is from this position that the adversary gains great power over us and casts us into a prison of depression and deprivation that can lead to us not only getting off track as far as achieving the mission we have come here for but also may lead to the potential of self-sabotage and or suicide. The more sensitive and spiritually gifted you are the stronger the attack and potentially more vulnerable you are. It is only by defining ourselves by eternal truths that we can stand on a firm foundation and see our true worth and value not only in God's eyes, but our own. It is from this higher vision that we can then see our place in this world and what we can offer.

Growing up I didn't understand that I had spiritual gifts. Not knowing myself and my gifts led me to experience depression, suffer from suicidal thoughts and made me susceptible to spiritual attacks. These attacks left me feeling drained, defeated and unable to see my own value. Does this sound like you or someone you know?

Everyone experiences spiritual attacks.  These attacks are more severe for light workers. Light workers are those who are deeply empathic and are gifted healers. They are here to help prepare people for the challenges that we are facing in the world.  Knowing yourself and your relationship with God can make the difference between feeling burdened with your gifts or thriving as you use your gifts to help others.

It is my intent to provide simple information that can transform hard things into easy if we choose to see them from this higher perspective.
Things that will be discussed:
- How are you defining the "I am" that you are?
- The illusion that being perfect means "no problems".
- Depression: the suppression of deep feelings.
- The lie, suicide is an escape from feeling.
- How being spiritually gifted and feeling can be safe; going from surviving to thriving.

Class Objectives:
Attendees will be able to bring their spiritual and physical selves together in balance:
- They will see who they are from a perspective that creates invincibility.
- Understand their relationship with God so they can heal and feel the love they deserve.
- Be empowered in the face of depression and suicide.

It is my hope that they will be able to move forward and do the things that allow them to be a gift to the world. It is in being the gift we are and letting our lights shine that we can create our dreams and obtain the goals we desire for ourselves.

Here is a link to a video of the class:

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