Friday, January 18, 2013

My Resolutions

Now that we are thinking about the "why" behind what we want and if we really want it, let's make out lists. Once you have made your list share it, put it out in the world. Do not be afraid to do this or feel like you need to hide it from others. If you feel too embarrassed or any other negative emotion about sharing your dreams and hearts desires then it is more than likely you will not accomplish them or receive what you are after.

The first step to getting what you want is deciding what you want in the first place. Next comes understanding what you want and why you want it. Finding what you want because you truly want it and not because someone says you should have it helps to make sure that you are pursuing the right thing. Pursuing what you really want will help keep you motivated when the initial excitement of moving forward wears off.

Now sharing your goals, dreams, and resolutions with the world aka friends and family is the point of no return. This is because when we keep it to ourselves we can give up, quit, or fail without the embarrassment of anyone knowing and we can tell ourselves that we didn't really want it in the first place. What we don't understand is that giving up or failing isn't embarrassing, it just means we won't get what we are working for. If we feel embarrassed it's because we are worrying too much about what other people are thinking about us and what we are doing. Repeat after me, "It is not my business what other people think about me!", and it isn't any more than it's their business what we think of them. This is because what we think about someone has more to do with us and less to do with them. That is all I am going to say on this matter because it is an article all on its own.

So here are my resolutions, dreams, and goals that I am pursuing this year 2013:

1. I want better health.
I want better health rather than losing weight because you can lose weight and still be unhealthy. Every time I talk about losing weight it's about trying to fit into the cookie cutter image the world is telling me to be like. Being healthy is about living the kind of life I want for myself.

2. I want to read and finish an educating book every month.
I want this because I want to make sure that I am feeding my desire to further my knowledge in all aspects of my life; cooking, sewing, art, gospel knowledge, landscaping/gardening, parenting, teaching, healing, energy work, spirituality, humanitarian, woman, crafting, etc. An educating book is anything that will spark creativity and expand perspective, thinking, and consciousness.

3. I want to use the power of my words in love and kindness.
I want this because everything we say and do has an effect on the people we come into contact with. I want the energy of my words to have a positive and uplifting effect on others.

4. I want to see everyone as my sister or brother.
I want this so that I see people with the air of respect, love, concern, and patience that I would extend to my own family. I believe in the golden rule; do unto others as you would have them do unto you and this is how I want to be treated.

5. I want that anyone who meets me knows that I believe in a living God.
I want this so that whatever else anyone may say about me and my shortcomings, no one can say that I do not have a testimony of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.

6. I want to teach others about the things that I have learned.
I want this because there is so much I have learned that has changed my life and helped to make it better. I want others to be able to benefit from it as much as I have. I want to share my story and knowledge with as many as are willing to listen.

7. I want to take more pictures of the people and things that matter to me.
I want this because I didn't think it would matter if I didn't take pictures of my kids all the time when they were growing up and now that they are getting older I wish I could see more pictures of them when they were little.

8. I want to build my family tree.
I want this because there are so many members of my family that I do not know and I want to build it up so that I can get acquainted with more of them.

9. I want to spend one on one time with my children once a month.
I want this because the years are speeding up and I want to have this time with them before they grow up and move out on their own.

10. I want to pursue my purpose on this earth.
I want this because I have found that I am not happy when I am not living my purpose. I tend to try and find other unfulfilling pursuits to fill the space of my purpose and it doesn't work. I end up feeling miserable and unsatisfied with life when I live like that.

These are my pursuits for this year. As the year progresses my list may morph and change as I discover more about myself and what I want becomes clearer. This is okay as long as I am staying true to me and not allowing the voices in the world or my head to override me and what is best for me or talk me out of what I want.

So come on, put your dreams out there where everyone can see them. And if anyone should laugh or mock them, so what. Let them. Care more about your dream than the comments of others. And remember, "The man who thinks he can will. The man who thinks he can't is already beaten." You can do this. So go and create your dreams. God bless and good luck.

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