There are times when I share things of a religious nature that I become nervous. Unfortunately it is a sad fact that there are many times when I allow the concern of what people think of me to out way the value of doing what I know will greatly bless. It isn't that we should not think to do kind to others and be aware not force ourselves or our views on to them, but so many times we do not take the stand that we know will be of great worth because we are too afraid of the reaction and how it will reflect on us.
How many times do we hold our tongues rather than say the important things that can affect positive change? I don't mean you just say whatever no holds barred. I only mean to say how often are we not saying and doing the things our hearts inspire us to in love and kindness?
There is a reason that you are there in that very moment and are impressed upon to share, give, and do what your heart is guiding you to. There is purpose in you being where you are, knowing what you know. You are an influence in this world for good or bad depending on what you decide to do at any given moment. As Marianne Williamson says, "You were born to make manifest the glory of God. It is not just in some of us; it is in all of us."
Your heart guides and directs you. Taking pause before acting to check and see that this is correct is good, but not to the degree that you stall, become paralyzed and do not act at all. You have been given this inspiration for a reason. You may be rusty but it is never too late to start listening and acting on what your heart knows to be true. The more you practice by acting on what your heart inspires you to do the more it will guide you and the clearer the messages it communicates will become.
You do no one favors by playing small. If you really care the way you say you do, you will realize that to truly love someone is to love them by sharing what you heart inspires you to say. It will be awkward and it can be uncomfortable but in the end you will be a greater blessing to those around you when you lovingly support them by helping them see their blind spots.
It will definitely take practice. There will be scrapes, bruises, and spills along the way. You will make messes that you will have to apologize for. But in the end it is worth it. Be patient with yourself as you learn to help without stepping on toes. Be understanding that just because you share doesn't mean they have to accept. Remember not to take it personal when they don't want your share. You are not the message just the messenger. Their not wanting it doesn't mean they don't want you; they were just not ready to accept it.
I encourage you to stop being timid and start acting. I do caution you to think before acting that you share in a loving and kind way. Just don't pause so long that you doubt and do not act. Say it as big as it is with all of the love and patience you can muster and I know that God will guide you to do all that is for the highest good of all involved. So go and make manifest the glory of God by being the gift to those around you one share at a time.
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