When God calls you to do a job you think you cannot do, He is giving you one of two things. First, He is revealing to you who you really are. He is showing you the beauty of what your spirit was like before this life.
If for example you are exerting patience beyond what you once thought yourself capable of; then you are being witness to the truth that your spirit before this life had an ability to be patient to a great degree. God knew this and choose to give you an experience uniquely designed to show you exactly what you are truly capable of.
As with the story of Abraham and Isaac in the scriptures; God already knows what you are capable of. He doesn't ask anything of you to show Himself what will happen, He asks it of you to show you. It is in His asking you to do it that the knowledge of what you can do and will do is revealed to you. The truth is simply this; that you are magnificent, beautiful, strong, powerful, and far more capable than you remember being at this time.
Second, when the truth is revealed to you as you act on faith doing what God asks of you, you further grow and deepen the ability within yourself. You have now stretched further your faith in the truth of your capacity to be patient. This then changes the image you had of yourself and what you thought you were capable of.
Just as when you exercise, what you are capable of doing after a few weeks of consistent effort is greater than what you could do when you began. It is this way with physical abilities and also with emotional, mental, and spiritual abilities. Every step you take acting on the things that God asks of you helps you go farther and grow further beyond what you first imagined possible.
This new perspective of yourself gives you a greater self-image which broadens your ability to hope and believe. This then gives God the opportunity to bless your life in greater and more magnificent ways. It also gives Him the opportunity to show you what is most amazing about you and reveal deeper truths about who you really are!
It is in the act of putting off the natural man that we reveal our true divine nature to ourselves. The natural man is the fight or flight instinct and the desire to do less than we know we can. Over-coming these more base desires and pushing through the fear helps us to reach the success we are searching for.
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