We have already talked about one way of getting rid of "I can't". Now let's talk about another and a reason why. When we are pursuing our goals it is important to pay attention to what we are thinking and what we are saying. Our words and thoughts are very powerful and they are a clue as to whether or not we will succeed. We have already discussed that when our thoughts and words are predominately negative we are less likely to succeed, to succeed we need them to be predominately positive. There is no getting around this.
When we are pursuing goals there are certain negative things that we tend to do without even realizing it. For example when we have a goal of losing weight or having better health we tend to tell ourselves, "No, don't eat that. No, don't do that. No, I can't have that." etc., etc., etc. After thinking and telling ourselves this for a few hours or days we begin to feel tired and are perplexed by why our minds seem so bent on focusing on the things that we are trying to stay away from.
Join me in a little exercise for a moment. I want you to think about your favorite place but whatever you do, do not think about your kitchen sink. Just don't think about your kitchen sink. Okay, now tell the truth, you thought about your kitchen sink didn't you? For whatever reason when the human mind is told no or its other forms; don't, can't, etc. it tends to focus on that thing. For some of us it not only thinks about it but it seems to become obsessed with it. Just like when you tell some one up high not to look down, usually their first reaction after hearing this statement is to look down.
It is for this reason that we must be very aware of what we are thinking and saying so that we can be sure to use words and phrases that will help us rather than hinder us. So what do you say if you want to stay away from these negative words and phrases? It's really simple; just go to its opposite. For one thing, stop thinking "I can't" and start thinking "I am choosing". It's not that you can't eat that chocolate bar because we all you know that you very well can. Which is why you give yourself so much guilt about it. Instead of saying you can't eat it, say that you are choosing to be healthy and to eat healthy. Instead of saying, "I can't eat it"; which makes the mind focus more on it, say, "I want a healthy body". Start thinking about what you do want, focus on it, and visualize it instead of the chocolate.
When you talk about what you don't want that is what you think about because that is where your focus is. When you talk about what you want that is what you think about because that is where your focus is. So when you find yourself in a place of negativity switch it around, start thinking about what you want. The only reason you were in that place of negativity is because you were busy thinking about what you don't want or can't have. You can switch around any thought or phrase by replacing the negative with its positive opposite or the thing that you want. Instead of saying, "I'm tired of a dirty house" say, "I want a clean house". If you can't think of the positive thing, then simply think of something to be grateful for. It doesn't matter if the thing you are expressing gratitude for has nothing to do with what you are being negative about. The positive energy of gratitude will be enough to start moving you into positivity.
So the next time you find yourself in a place of negativity, give this switcheroo a try. After all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck and let me know how it turns out.
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