I found the lyrics to a song I have recently fallen in love with. I wanted to share them with you. If you walk away with nothing else from reading my blog, I hope that it is this; that you are never alone, you are loved, and you can do anything with the faith and the strength of the one who made you.
Be strong and know that you can do the things you dream because of the one who always loves you makes all things possible.
Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm going to make this place your home
Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm going to make this place your home
Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found
Just know you're not alone
Cause I'm going to make this place your home
By Phillip Phillips
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Quotes to live by
"Replace desperation with gratitude and see where the Light takes you!" ~ Valerie Ackley
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Inspiration for Motivation
Here is an example of going after your dream even when it feels like the odds are stacked against you. An example of logic and common sense being a reason not to pursue your dreams but going after them any way.
This is a singer who suffers from hearing loss. A singer needs to be able to hear themselves, hear the music, and so many other things. Hearing is an integral part of singing and being a singer. It would seem only reasonable to think if you suffer from hearing loss that singing is a far fetched unattainable dream. But here is someone who is chasing that dream inspite of the obstacles or what may seem as an assured failure.
God bless you to chase your dream and be inspired.
This is a singer who suffers from hearing loss. A singer needs to be able to hear themselves, hear the music, and so many other things. Hearing is an integral part of singing and being a singer. It would seem only reasonable to think if you suffer from hearing loss that singing is a far fetched unattainable dream. But here is someone who is chasing that dream inspite of the obstacles or what may seem as an assured failure.
God bless you to chase your dream and be inspired.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
The old switcheroo
We have already talked about one way of getting rid of "I can't". Now let's talk about another and a reason why. When we are pursuing our goals it is important to pay attention to what we are thinking and what we are saying. Our words and thoughts are very powerful and they are a clue as to whether or not we will succeed. We have already discussed that when our thoughts and words are predominately negative we are less likely to succeed, to succeed we need them to be predominately positive. There is no getting around this.
When we are pursuing goals there are certain negative things that we tend to do without even realizing it. For example when we have a goal of losing weight or having better health we tend to tell ourselves, "No, don't eat that. No, don't do that. No, I can't have that." etc., etc., etc. After thinking and telling ourselves this for a few hours or days we begin to feel tired and are perplexed by why our minds seem so bent on focusing on the things that we are trying to stay away from.
Join me in a little exercise for a moment. I want you to think about your favorite place but whatever you do, do not think about your kitchen sink. Just don't think about your kitchen sink. Okay, now tell the truth, you thought about your kitchen sink didn't you? For whatever reason when the human mind is told no or its other forms; don't, can't, etc. it tends to focus on that thing. For some of us it not only thinks about it but it seems to become obsessed with it. Just like when you tell some one up high not to look down, usually their first reaction after hearing this statement is to look down.
It is for this reason that we must be very aware of what we are thinking and saying so that we can be sure to use words and phrases that will help us rather than hinder us. So what do you say if you want to stay away from these negative words and phrases? It's really simple; just go to its opposite. For one thing, stop thinking "I can't" and start thinking "I am choosing". It's not that you can't eat that chocolate bar because we all you know that you very well can. Which is why you give yourself so much guilt about it. Instead of saying you can't eat it, say that you are choosing to be healthy and to eat healthy. Instead of saying, "I can't eat it"; which makes the mind focus more on it, say, "I want a healthy body". Start thinking about what you do want, focus on it, and visualize it instead of the chocolate.
When you talk about what you don't want that is what you think about because that is where your focus is. When you talk about what you want that is what you think about because that is where your focus is. So when you find yourself in a place of negativity switch it around, start thinking about what you want. The only reason you were in that place of negativity is because you were busy thinking about what you don't want or can't have. You can switch around any thought or phrase by replacing the negative with its positive opposite or the thing that you want. Instead of saying, "I'm tired of a dirty house" say, "I want a clean house". If you can't think of the positive thing, then simply think of something to be grateful for. It doesn't matter if the thing you are expressing gratitude for has nothing to do with what you are being negative about. The positive energy of gratitude will be enough to start moving you into positivity.
So the next time you find yourself in a place of negativity, give this switcheroo a try. After all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck and let me know how it turns out.
When we are pursuing goals there are certain negative things that we tend to do without even realizing it. For example when we have a goal of losing weight or having better health we tend to tell ourselves, "No, don't eat that. No, don't do that. No, I can't have that." etc., etc., etc. After thinking and telling ourselves this for a few hours or days we begin to feel tired and are perplexed by why our minds seem so bent on focusing on the things that we are trying to stay away from.
Join me in a little exercise for a moment. I want you to think about your favorite place but whatever you do, do not think about your kitchen sink. Just don't think about your kitchen sink. Okay, now tell the truth, you thought about your kitchen sink didn't you? For whatever reason when the human mind is told no or its other forms; don't, can't, etc. it tends to focus on that thing. For some of us it not only thinks about it but it seems to become obsessed with it. Just like when you tell some one up high not to look down, usually their first reaction after hearing this statement is to look down.
It is for this reason that we must be very aware of what we are thinking and saying so that we can be sure to use words and phrases that will help us rather than hinder us. So what do you say if you want to stay away from these negative words and phrases? It's really simple; just go to its opposite. For one thing, stop thinking "I can't" and start thinking "I am choosing". It's not that you can't eat that chocolate bar because we all you know that you very well can. Which is why you give yourself so much guilt about it. Instead of saying you can't eat it, say that you are choosing to be healthy and to eat healthy. Instead of saying, "I can't eat it"; which makes the mind focus more on it, say, "I want a healthy body". Start thinking about what you do want, focus on it, and visualize it instead of the chocolate.
When you talk about what you don't want that is what you think about because that is where your focus is. When you talk about what you want that is what you think about because that is where your focus is. So when you find yourself in a place of negativity switch it around, start thinking about what you want. The only reason you were in that place of negativity is because you were busy thinking about what you don't want or can't have. You can switch around any thought or phrase by replacing the negative with its positive opposite or the thing that you want. Instead of saying, "I'm tired of a dirty house" say, "I want a clean house". If you can't think of the positive thing, then simply think of something to be grateful for. It doesn't matter if the thing you are expressing gratitude for has nothing to do with what you are being negative about. The positive energy of gratitude will be enough to start moving you into positivity.
So the next time you find yourself in a place of negativity, give this switcheroo a try. After all you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck and let me know how it turns out.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Quotes to live by
"The knowledge that we reveal to others takes on a life of its own, and allows us to receive more knowledge to share." ~ Betty J. Eadie, "The Awakening Heart"
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Inspiration for Motivation
When we travel on a rocky path or unknown road we tend to be so busy looking down at our feet that we forget to look up and enjoy the journey we are on. An elder in my church says, "we often wait to reach our destination to be happy when we can be happy while on the journey". There are also many quotes that we often see stating that happiness is a state of being and not a destination.
Everyday we are all of us looking for or working towards something but we tend to spend most of the time waiting for the moment when we will finally be done with this or that and can then be happy. I want to share the things that I have come across that have inspired me in some way and given me cause to pause and just be happy. Seeing someone else's success can be a joyful occasion for us that gives us a little push to move forward in pursuing our own dreams. I hope you find them as heart warming and uplifting as I have.
This is a video on youtube that shows a person pursuing their dream when everyone around them is doubtful and against them. However, by the end everyone is stunned by their talent. Remember when you watch this; it doesn't matter what other people think about you, it only matters what you think. If you are true to yourself, the nay sayers may very well be your biggest fans. Enjoy.
Everyday we are all of us looking for or working towards something but we tend to spend most of the time waiting for the moment when we will finally be done with this or that and can then be happy. I want to share the things that I have come across that have inspired me in some way and given me cause to pause and just be happy. Seeing someone else's success can be a joyful occasion for us that gives us a little push to move forward in pursuing our own dreams. I hope you find them as heart warming and uplifting as I have.
This is a video on youtube that shows a person pursuing their dream when everyone around them is doubtful and against them. However, by the end everyone is stunned by their talent. Remember when you watch this; it doesn't matter what other people think about you, it only matters what you think. If you are true to yourself, the nay sayers may very well be your biggest fans. Enjoy.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
A Valentine From Christ
I came across this compilation of quotes of Jesus from the bible that an unknown author put together. I found it on www.embracedbythelight.com. Valentine's Day is a day that was created to help celebrate love. Unfortunately mass marketing and commercialism has tried to find every way possible to make a profit from it as well. When was the last time you spent Valentine's Day appreciating the love and blessings you receive from others and feel that appreciation in return? Most of the time it feels more like a contest on who can give the best "stuff" instead of the opportunity to show gratitude for giving love and being loved.
Take a moment to read this valentine from Christ. Take note from the one who loves perfectly without exception or condition and think about how you really want to spend Valentine's Day with those that you truly love. Life really is too short to waste a moment of it in trying to impress or out do. The time we have with those we love is a precious commodity and we should use it wisely for we never know exactly when that time is up. How will you decide to share and show your love today?
A Love Letter From Jesus
My little child, I love you. (john 15:9)
I have called you by your name,
You are mine (isaiah 43:1)
Before I formed you, I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you. (jeremiah 1:5)
You did not choose me, I chose you. (john 15:16)
I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. (3john 2)
Because you are precious to me, and honored, I love you. (isaiah 43:4)
I have loved you with an everlasting love and I will continue my Constant love. (jeremiah 31:3)
How can I abandon you? My love for you is too strong. (hosea 11:8)
I love you so much that I hung on the cross at Calvary. I died for you, and if you believe in Me you will have everlasting life. (john 3:16)
Can a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore? Yet, even should she forget, I will never forget you. I cannot forget you. See, I have graven you in the palm of my hands. (isaiah 49:15-16)
For I, the Lord your God, am holding you by the right hand. (isaiah 41:13)
I am with you always until the end of the world. (Matthew 28:20)
Do not let your heart be troubled, trust in me. (john 14:1)
I will help you. (isaiah 41:14)
When you pass through the deep waters, I will be with you. Your troubles will not overwhelm you. The hard trials that will come will not hurt you. (isaiah 43:2)
When you walk through the valley of the shadows of death, do not be afraid because I am with you. My rod and my staff will comfort you. I will lead you in the path of righteousness. (psalms 23)
I will give you peace in the midst of a storm, not as the world giveth. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (john 14:27)
Peace I give which will pass all understanding and shall keep your heart and mind. (philippians 4:7)
When you lie down do not be afraid, your sleep shall be sweet. (proverbs 3:24)
My love for you will keep your dwelling safe. (psalms 4:8)
Beloved my eyes are upon you and I will give you hope, for I am merciful. (psalms 33:18)
You will have access to my grace and rejoice in hope while sharing in the glory of my Father. (romans 5:2)
I will give you joy and peace. The mountains and hills will sing, and the trees will clap their hands before you. (isaiah 55:12)
You may have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you. (john 16:22)
Do not worry. (luke 12:9)
Even the hairs of your head have all been counted, so there is no need to be afraid of anything. (matthew 10:30)
The mountains may depart and the hills will be shaken but my stadfast love for you will never end. (john 54:10)
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (matthew 11:28)
Come, my love. (solomon 2:10)
I will lead you into solitude and there I will speak tenderly to your heart. I will be true and faithful. I will show you constant love and make you mine forever. I will keep my promise, and you will really know me then as never before. (hosea 1:14, 19-20)
I am who I am. (exodus 3:14)
I am the Lord your God. (hosea 13:4)
Your Faithful Friend,
Jesus Christ,
Your Savior
Unknown Author
Take a moment to read this valentine from Christ. Take note from the one who loves perfectly without exception or condition and think about how you really want to spend Valentine's Day with those that you truly love. Life really is too short to waste a moment of it in trying to impress or out do. The time we have with those we love is a precious commodity and we should use it wisely for we never know exactly when that time is up. How will you decide to share and show your love today?
A Love Letter From Jesus
My little child, I love you. (john 15:9)
I have called you by your name,
You are mine (isaiah 43:1)
Before I formed you, I knew you. And before you were born, I consecrated you. (jeremiah 1:5)
You did not choose me, I chose you. (john 15:16)
I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. (3john 2)
Because you are precious to me, and honored, I love you. (isaiah 43:4)
I have loved you with an everlasting love and I will continue my Constant love. (jeremiah 31:3)
How can I abandon you? My love for you is too strong. (hosea 11:8)
I love you so much that I hung on the cross at Calvary. I died for you, and if you believe in Me you will have everlasting life. (john 3:16)
Can a woman forget her own baby and not love the child she bore? Yet, even should she forget, I will never forget you. I cannot forget you. See, I have graven you in the palm of my hands. (isaiah 49:15-16)
For I, the Lord your God, am holding you by the right hand. (isaiah 41:13)
I am with you always until the end of the world. (Matthew 28:20)
Do not let your heart be troubled, trust in me. (john 14:1)
I will help you. (isaiah 41:14)
When you pass through the deep waters, I will be with you. Your troubles will not overwhelm you. The hard trials that will come will not hurt you. (isaiah 43:2)
When you walk through the valley of the shadows of death, do not be afraid because I am with you. My rod and my staff will comfort you. I will lead you in the path of righteousness. (psalms 23)
I will give you peace in the midst of a storm, not as the world giveth. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (john 14:27)
Peace I give which will pass all understanding and shall keep your heart and mind. (philippians 4:7)
When you lie down do not be afraid, your sleep shall be sweet. (proverbs 3:24)
My love for you will keep your dwelling safe. (psalms 4:8)
Beloved my eyes are upon you and I will give you hope, for I am merciful. (psalms 33:18)
You will have access to my grace and rejoice in hope while sharing in the glory of my Father. (romans 5:2)
I will give you joy and peace. The mountains and hills will sing, and the trees will clap their hands before you. (isaiah 55:12)
You may have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice and no one will take your joy from you. (john 16:22)
Do not worry. (luke 12:9)
Even the hairs of your head have all been counted, so there is no need to be afraid of anything. (matthew 10:30)
The mountains may depart and the hills will be shaken but my stadfast love for you will never end. (john 54:10)
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (matthew 11:28)
Come, my love. (solomon 2:10)
I will lead you into solitude and there I will speak tenderly to your heart. I will be true and faithful. I will show you constant love and make you mine forever. I will keep my promise, and you will really know me then as never before. (hosea 1:14, 19-20)
I am who I am. (exodus 3:14)
I am the Lord your God. (hosea 13:4)
Your Faithful Friend,
Jesus Christ,
Your Savior
Unknown Author
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Quotes to live by
"One must live, not only exist; he must do, not merely be; he must grow, not just vegetate. We must use our talents in behalf of our fellow men rather than burying them in the tomb of a self-centered life." ~ President Spencer W. Kimball
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Getting rid of "I Can't"
Often when we start doing things to achieve a goal or pursue our dreams we run in to brick walls and hard places that are full of "I can't". Unfortunately we tend to let these I can'ts discourage us and make us believe that what we want is unattainable for us. We also let them persuade us into believing that they are a good enough excuse for us to use to give up. In reality "I can't" is just another way of saying, "I haven't ever done this before and it looks scary so I don't think I want do it."
As we get older we tend to look at new and different things that come into or happen in our lives through this perspective. What we seem to have forgotten is that at one point everything that is familiar and easy to us now was new and different once. They were the things that we had never done before and may even have seemed scary to us. This is true for every person ever born regardless of how accomplished they may be because we all have to come into this world the same way; being born a baby. And as any parent can tell you; babies do not come with instruction manuals and they all have to be taught regardless of any natural talents they may have.
Every experience a baby has is new the first time. However the difference between a baby and an adult is their reaction to these new experiences. Babies tend to look at everything with awe and wonder when experiencing something for the first time. It is not until they actually have the experience before they make up their minds to be happy or upset about it. But the average adult is different, they tend to make up their minds about something not when or after they experience something but rather they make up their minds about it when they are thinking about the thing.
It is in this thinking process that they say "I can't". However this is a very faulty process. The reason is because most of the time when we think about something we tend to include things that will not feasibly happen when actually doing the thing we are thinking about. Our mind tends to bring up all kinds of possible scenarios that include the big "what if". It is these "what if's" that tend to bring up feelings of fear, doubt, and insecurity that lead us to thinking that we can't do something in the first place. Or rather we decide we can't do something because we don't want to do it because we are afraid, doubtful, and insecure. We are uncomfortable feeling these feelings and want to get as far away from them as possible so we retreat back to our comfort zone; those things that we know we are good at and can have a reasonable amount of guaranteed success at. In other words all things "safe". That which keeps us safe from ridicule, failure, humiliation, etc., etc., etc.
What we don't realize is that when we erect these walls to create our box of safety, we are actually only creating our own prisons. We think we are keeping the bad stuff out and protecting ourselves but what we are really doing is preventing ourselves from having that which we desire. In our attempts to protect ourselves and stay "safe" we are missing out on our dreams and hopes.
The scriptures tell us to be humble and submissive as a little child. In fact the scriptures are constantly telling us to be as little children. There is a reason for this, just as there is a reason for everything that God tells us. I believe the reason is because little children don't tend to think themselves out of something. They may have a reaction of fear when put in a situation. We see this all the time; like a child put on Santa's lap for the first time or getting their first haircut. But a child's experience of fear, doubt, or insecurity is while they are having the experience not when they are thinking about doing it. Children are not usually given the opportunity to think about a situation. Most of the time a child is thrust into a situation by an adult and are left only to react to the experience rather than the thoughts about having the experience. Also children have had such little experience that they do not yet have the thought process of "if I do this, this will happen".
Now don't get me wrong we do need to think and use reason in planning and approaching the things we want to do in life. We should always ask questions to make sure that what we are doing or going to do fit in "the straight and narrow path" that God has laid out for us. Things like; is it good for me, will this help me in obtaining the goals I have for myself, how will this affect others, and most importantly does this fit with my standards, values, and beliefs. We do need to ask questions, think, reason, and plan but not to the degree that we do not take action when we know we want it and it is good and right.
Many years ago there was a leader in my church that had the phrase "just do it" and then Nike came out with their slogan "just do it". So I encourage you, if you have "reasoned it out in your mind and it be right", then put aside all the "I can'ts" and "just do it". God bless you in your efforts to move forward in obtaining your dreams.
As we get older we tend to look at new and different things that come into or happen in our lives through this perspective. What we seem to have forgotten is that at one point everything that is familiar and easy to us now was new and different once. They were the things that we had never done before and may even have seemed scary to us. This is true for every person ever born regardless of how accomplished they may be because we all have to come into this world the same way; being born a baby. And as any parent can tell you; babies do not come with instruction manuals and they all have to be taught regardless of any natural talents they may have.
Every experience a baby has is new the first time. However the difference between a baby and an adult is their reaction to these new experiences. Babies tend to look at everything with awe and wonder when experiencing something for the first time. It is not until they actually have the experience before they make up their minds to be happy or upset about it. But the average adult is different, they tend to make up their minds about something not when or after they experience something but rather they make up their minds about it when they are thinking about the thing.
It is in this thinking process that they say "I can't". However this is a very faulty process. The reason is because most of the time when we think about something we tend to include things that will not feasibly happen when actually doing the thing we are thinking about. Our mind tends to bring up all kinds of possible scenarios that include the big "what if". It is these "what if's" that tend to bring up feelings of fear, doubt, and insecurity that lead us to thinking that we can't do something in the first place. Or rather we decide we can't do something because we don't want to do it because we are afraid, doubtful, and insecure. We are uncomfortable feeling these feelings and want to get as far away from them as possible so we retreat back to our comfort zone; those things that we know we are good at and can have a reasonable amount of guaranteed success at. In other words all things "safe". That which keeps us safe from ridicule, failure, humiliation, etc., etc., etc.
What we don't realize is that when we erect these walls to create our box of safety, we are actually only creating our own prisons. We think we are keeping the bad stuff out and protecting ourselves but what we are really doing is preventing ourselves from having that which we desire. In our attempts to protect ourselves and stay "safe" we are missing out on our dreams and hopes.
The scriptures tell us to be humble and submissive as a little child. In fact the scriptures are constantly telling us to be as little children. There is a reason for this, just as there is a reason for everything that God tells us. I believe the reason is because little children don't tend to think themselves out of something. They may have a reaction of fear when put in a situation. We see this all the time; like a child put on Santa's lap for the first time or getting their first haircut. But a child's experience of fear, doubt, or insecurity is while they are having the experience not when they are thinking about doing it. Children are not usually given the opportunity to think about a situation. Most of the time a child is thrust into a situation by an adult and are left only to react to the experience rather than the thoughts about having the experience. Also children have had such little experience that they do not yet have the thought process of "if I do this, this will happen".
Now don't get me wrong we do need to think and use reason in planning and approaching the things we want to do in life. We should always ask questions to make sure that what we are doing or going to do fit in "the straight and narrow path" that God has laid out for us. Things like; is it good for me, will this help me in obtaining the goals I have for myself, how will this affect others, and most importantly does this fit with my standards, values, and beliefs. We do need to ask questions, think, reason, and plan but not to the degree that we do not take action when we know we want it and it is good and right.
Many years ago there was a leader in my church that had the phrase "just do it" and then Nike came out with their slogan "just do it". So I encourage you, if you have "reasoned it out in your mind and it be right", then put aside all the "I can'ts" and "just do it". God bless you in your efforts to move forward in obtaining your dreams.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Quotes to live by
"Every day is guided by the attitude we pick up in the morning and lay to rest at
night." ~ Misty
Saturday, February 2, 2013
I am excited, we are having our daughter blessed on Sunday. This is a special time for our family. It has also given me things to ponder on that I am looking forward to sharing with you. We are so busy right now preparing for family and friends that I will write and post this next week. May you have a blessed week.
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