In 2001 I gave birth to my second child. A few months after having him I began to have some health problems. It started with postpartum depression that turned into depression, severe fatigue/exhaustion, weight gain/unable to lose weight, weak/brittle nails, and hair loss. These are just a few of the symptoms I was having. As you can imagine this was very distressing to me and so I went to the doctor to try and find out what was happening to me and why. Each time I went to the doctor it went something like this; they were sympathetic and ran tests, the tests would come back saying everything was normal and there isn't anything we can do.
This wasn't just frustrating but it also left me feeling devastated. Especially since the symptoms got worse over time. I did try antidepressants but did not like the side effects and never really felt they helped me overall. The most difficult part was losing my hair. Even though I was losing my hair I will say that I am grateful it was a slow process that happened over years rather than weeks or days as I have found to have happened to other women.
I became very frustrated with the medical community and so I would go to the natural health community and try to find answers there. I tried many products they had to offer. I did find some products that gave me some relief from some of the symptoms I was experiencing like the depression but I could never find anything that got to the root of the problem. It was a problem that I did not fully understand.
I spent eight years doctor hopping which consisted of finding a new doctor, getting frustrated, going to natural health resources, getting frustrated, finding a new doctor, and on the pattern would go. Finally I had reached the point of coming to decide to stop trying to hide my hair loss or buy a wig since my hair loss was noticeable now. I was in a constant cycle of being hit hard by depression and trying to pull myself out of it. I also spent these years yo-yoing in weight. I would have to go to extremes to lose weight and I couldn't maintain living this way for long periods of time and would eventually give up.
After eight years when I began to become resigned that this is how life would be for the rest of my life, I got an email from a natural health company that said Rosemary essential oil was the essential oil for the hair. I decided to give it one last go but where to start. I had used essential oils from the health food store off and on through the years with no satisfaction. They never seemed to do what they claimed. At this time I began to hear about a new essential oil company called doTERRA through an email group.
When I was trying to decide whether I should try doTERRA essential oils I happened to be at a friend's house when she was using doTERRA Peppermint essential oil on her daughter. I asked if I could smell it. When I smelled the oil it was like smelling Peppermint essential oil for the first time. When I smelled the oil it was like smelling a brand new candy cane. Yes it smelled like Peppermint but for the first time instead of smelling like Peppermint medicine, it smelled sweet. If this is the way this oil smelled what was the other stuff I had been using in past years.
I became excited and asked my friend if I could come over another day and see all of her doTERRA essential oils and find out how to buy them. When I smelled her oils they were amazing. They were nothing like the other essential oils I had experienced before. I decided right then I had to try them. I bought the Rosemary essential oil and a few others like Peppermint and Lavender. I was not disappointed. I began researching to know what to use the oils for and how best to use them. For the first time ever for me the essential oils worked! I was amazed.
Since I had such success with the doTERRA essential oils I decided to try some of their other products. A few months after I began using the doTERRA essential oils I began their Life Long Vitality supplements; this is their monthly vitamins. After I began taking the supplements I began noticing an increase in my energy. After a few months I began to notice new hair growth and less depression. This was exciting!
I am happy to report that after only two and a half years of using the Rosemary essential oil and Life Long Vitality supplements my life has made a change for the better. What took me eight years to lose from my hair, after two and a half years I have regrown 90% of my hair back. This is my own hair, not a wig and I didn't have to try an expensive hair transplant. I am free from depression. Yes I have a bad day like anyone else but I am not living depressed any more. I have normal levels of energy and I sleep better. My nails have grown in stronger and thicker as well.
I am still having difficulties with losing weight but I have not gained more weight. I am thankful for that. They do have some products to help with weight loss but it will have to wait as I am pregnant. I have had some great success using the oils during pregnancy for nausea, gas, heartburn, digestion, and pain. The doctors still don't have any answers for me and all of my blood tests still come back normal even though I still have some remaining issues.
Anyway, I didn't mean to write a novel. I just wanted to share this with you and say, "Don't give up." Keep searching; keep pressing forward until you find the help you seek. Somewhere there is someone or something that can help. There will be lots of opportunity to give up, don't do it. You deserve better. Just keep at it and you will find an answer.
I am including some links for anyone who would like more information on doTERRA essential oils, products, and testimonials. God bless you on your journey to healing.
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