Sunday, September 30, 2012

Quotes to live by

"If a person listens to the voice inside them, they know where their right place is at any given time." ~ Loretta Claiborne

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Would you wish it away

Have you ever had an experience or a bad day that you have thought if only that had never happened? Have you ever wished you could go back and change it? How much time have you spent thinking these thoughts over events of the past?

I want to share something with you that I hope will give you a new perspective on experiences in your past. A perspective that will help to change the way you look at the events in your life, even the so called "bad" ones. I know there will be some things that you may feel this perspective could never apply to and that may be true. However, I believe it will apply to enough of them that you can tip the scales in favor of looking at the past with joy rather than grief.

Let me share a story with you. On my daughter's second birthday, we were on our way to the park where we were having her birthday party when I got into a fender bender. I won't get into the details of the accident as that is not what is important. What is important is the series of events, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that resulted from the experience of the car accident.

I was on my way to meet my husband at the park. He had gone ahead to make sure we had our tables and set things up. It was while driving there that I had the accident. It was minor and no one was hurt. I am thankful for that. However, this was my first car accident since receiving my driver's license. I was pretty upset. To compound things, I did not have car insurance coverage for me at the time. Only my husband had insurance coverage. I was stressed and upset to say the least. And I was definitely having thoughts of why did this have to happen, I wish it I could go back and change this, etc. I was having a hard time relaxing and enjoying my daughter's birthday. My friends helped me to relax and put it behind me for the rest of the day.

By the next day when I was home alone with my daughter I started thinking about what had happened and what it was going to cost us. Now my husband and I did not have much money at the time and because of this we were living with family. I began to worry about how we were going to pay for the damage to the other person's car and what would happen with our insurance. All of these thoughts brought feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression. I felt like I had made a huge mistake that was going to cost our family more than we could pay. I didn't know what to do and I just wanted to disappear. I became overwhelmed by the thoughts and feelings and didn't believe there was any way things would be okay.

It was in the mist of these depressing thoughts and feelings that an idea came to me. At the birthday party one of my friends had mentioned that her job was hiring. Maybe I could see if I could get a job there and then use the money to help take care of these expenses that were coming from the accident. I called my friend and asked her about the job, got an interview and started work within about a week.

This was the first of the many changes that took place in my life. My husband and I talked with the other driver and were able to handle it outside of our insurance and pay for the damages ourselves with my first pay check. I was added to our insurance policy. I loved my new job. I was working with two of my best friends and the work environment was fun, not to mention the additional income. With this new income my husband and I were able to save money and move into and furnish our new apartment. An added benefit of being able to be self-reliant was an increase in self-esteem and self-confidence. My increase in self-confidence gave me the opportunity to move up in the company as well. We were able to buy a brand new second car. We were no longer living pay check to pay check. We could buy things without the worry of how to pay for it.

There have been times when I have looked back at the day of the car accident and all of the stress and negative thoughts and feelings I experienced because of it. The thought comes to mind that I wish it had never happened but then I stop and think; where would I be if it had never happened? It was because of that car accident that I took action on talking to my friend about her job hiring. It was the desire to be able to pay for the accident that made me act quickly in getting an interview and getting hired. It was this job that gave our family the financial freedom to move out on our own and be self-reliant. If I were to wish away the car accident I would be wishing away all of the good and the blessings that came into my life because of it.

Now I know that there are many things in life that are hard and difficult. Every moment you bear these things can feel like torture. It can be embarrassing, frustrating, irritating, depressing, and maddening. These experiences can leave you feeling depleted and hopeless if you let them. But have you ever thought that maybe it is just a means to bring you something greater.

For example have you heard of Annette Kellerman? She is the Australian born female swimmer who made it acceptable for women to wear one piece swim suits and is the basis for the Esther Williams movie "Million Dollar Mermaid". Annette Kellerman had a disability in her legs that necessitated her wearing leg braces. In order to help strengthen her legs she was given swimming lessons. It was these swimming lessons that strengthened her legs and lead her to become a world renowned swimmer. If this were you would you wish away this disability and all that came because of it?

Have you heard of Bethany Hamilton? She is the female surfer from Hawaii who lost an arm in a shark attack. Her story is told in her movie "Soul Surfer". There are many other stories like hers and Annette's in the world that I could use to further confirm the concept I am sharing with you. I am willing to bet that your own stories can be counted among them if you are willing to look more closely. For the things that you have been wanting to wish away are the very things that have brought you your blessings. I know this to be true in my life and in countless others that I have seen firsthand or witnessed through accounts of their experiences by book, movie, talks, etc.

Life is hard sometimes and our experiences can feel difficult and overwhelming. Life is this way not because it is trying to break you but because it is trying to make you. A plant that is grown in temperate weather and climates tends to grow shallow roots so that when a storm does come it is generally up rooted and dies. A plant that grows in stormy weather tends to grow deep roots so that when a strong storm comes its deep roots hold firm allowing it to make it through and then enjoy the calm and beauty that comes after the storm is over. Your experiences are the same. They come to grow strength and adaptability in you so that you can enjoy the blessings that come after.

So take a moment and rethink how you are looking at the things of your past or even the experiences you are having now. Because what feels like the worst thing ever may just be a blessing in disguise.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Quotes to live by

"I went looking for my ideals outside of myself and discovered it's not what the world holds for you, it's what you bring to it." ~ Anne of Green Gables

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In search of an answer to bring healing

In 2001 I gave birth to my second child. A few months after having him I began to have some health problems. It started with postpartum depression that turned into depression, severe fatigue/exhaustion, weight gain/unable to lose weight, weak/brittle nails, and hair loss. These are just a few of the symptoms I was having. As you can imagine this was very distressing to me and so I went to the doctor to try and find out what was happening to me and why. Each time I went to the doctor it went something like this; they were sympathetic and ran tests, the tests would come back saying everything was normal and there isn't anything we can do.

This wasn't just frustrating but it also left me feeling devastated. Especially since the symptoms got worse over time. I did try antidepressants but did not like the side effects and never really felt they helped me overall. The most difficult part was losing my hair. Even though I was losing my hair I will say that I am grateful it was a slow process that happened over years rather than weeks or days as I have found to have happened to other women.

I became very frustrated with the medical community and so I would go to the natural health community and try to find answers there. I tried many products they had to offer. I did find some products that gave me some relief from some of the symptoms I was experiencing like the depression but I could never find anything that got to the root of the problem. It was a problem that I did not fully understand.

I spent eight years doctor hopping which consisted of finding a new doctor, getting frustrated, going to natural health resources, getting frustrated, finding a new doctor, and on the pattern would go. Finally I had reached the point of coming to decide to stop trying to hide my hair loss or buy a wig since my hair loss was noticeable now. I was in a constant cycle of being hit hard by depression and trying to pull myself out of it. I also spent these years yo-yoing in weight. I would have to go to extremes to lose weight and I couldn't maintain living this way for long periods of time and would eventually give up.

After eight years when I began to become resigned that this is how life would be for the rest of my life, I got an email from a natural health company that said Rosemary essential oil was the essential oil for the hair. I decided to give it one last go but where to start. I had used essential oils from the health food store off and on through the years with no satisfaction. They never seemed to do what they claimed. At this time I began to hear about a new essential oil company called doTERRA through an email group.

When I was trying to decide whether I should try doTERRA essential oils I happened to be at a friend's house when she was using doTERRA Peppermint essential oil on her daughter. I asked if I could smell it. When I smelled the oil it was like smelling Peppermint essential oil for the first time. When I smelled the oil it was like smelling a brand new candy cane. Yes it smelled like Peppermint but for the first time instead of smelling like Peppermint medicine, it smelled sweet. If this is the way this oil smelled what was the other stuff I had been using in past years.

I became excited and asked my friend if I could come over another day and see all of her doTERRA essential oils and find out how to buy them. When I smelled her oils they were amazing. They were nothing like the other essential oils I had experienced before. I decided right then I had to try them. I bought the Rosemary essential oil and a few others like Peppermint and Lavender. I was not disappointed. I began researching to know what to use the oils for and how best to use them. For the first time ever for me the essential oils worked! I was amazed.

Since I had such success with the doTERRA essential oils I decided to try some of their other products. A few months after I began using the doTERRA essential oils I began their Life Long Vitality supplements; this is their monthly vitamins. After I began taking the supplements I began noticing an increase in my energy. After a few months I began to notice new hair growth and less depression. This was exciting!

I am happy to report that after only two and a half years of using the Rosemary essential oil and Life Long Vitality supplements my life has made a change for the better. What took me eight years to lose from my hair, after two and a half years I have regrown 90% of my hair back. This is my own hair, not a wig and I didn't have to try an expensive hair transplant. I am free from depression. Yes I have a bad day like anyone else but I am not living depressed any more. I have normal levels of energy and I sleep better. My nails have grown in stronger and thicker as well.

I am still having difficulties with losing weight but I have not gained more weight. I am thankful for that. They do have some products to help with weight loss but it will have to wait as I am pregnant. I have had some great success using the oils during pregnancy for nausea, gas, heartburn, digestion, and pain. The doctors still don't have any answers for me and all of my blood tests still come back normal even though I still have some remaining issues.

Anyway, I didn't mean to write a novel. I just wanted to share this with you and say, "Don't give up." Keep searching; keep pressing forward until you find the help you seek. Somewhere there is someone or something that can help. There will be lots of opportunity to give up, don't do it. You deserve better. Just keep at it and you will find an answer.

I am including some links for anyone who would like more information on doTERRA essential oils, products, and testimonials. God bless you on your journey to healing.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Quotes to live by

"Great moments are born from great opportunity." ~ Coach Herb Brooks

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I Won't Give Up

I heard this beautiful song on the radio by Jason Mraz called "I won't give up". I want to share some of the lyrics from the song that I found inspiring. At the end of the day the reason that I write and share the things with you that I do on this blog is because I want you to know that you have worth and you can do anything. After reading this I hope you can walk away from a difficult experience with your chin up saying "I won't give up" because you know that you are worth it. You are worth fighting for, sticking it out for, and you're worth succeeding for. And you have something to offer in this world, something that we all will be blessed by.

"I won't give up" by Jason Mraz

We got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No I won't give up

I don't want to be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools, the gifts we've got yeah we got a lot at stake
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I'm healing this broken heart
And I know I am worth it

God knows I'm tough enough
We got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it

No I won't give up
God knows I've had enough
We got a lot to learn
And we're worth it

No I won't give up

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

There has to be some deeper, hidden meaning

I read a book, "The Secret Journal of Brett Colton" by Kay Lynn Mangum. It is a beautiful book. There is a quote from it that has inspired me to talk with you about the experiences in our lives and how to find something greater out of the difficulties we face.

"Nothing comes from nothing, as we've all heard Julie Andrews belt out in The Sound of Music a million times...There has to be a reason why I had to get sick - why I have to deal with this, and why our whole family has to deal with it, too. There has to be some deeper, hidden meaning in and for everything that happens. Clouds come around because we need rain. They aren't just there to be there. There has to be a reason why I had to get sick..."

We have talked about experiences before and how trials in our lives are here to bring us learning and growth. We are simply having an experience to give us experience. We are all of us faced with some challenge in our lives. For some it may be being sick like the character in this book. But difficulties in life come in many shapes and sizes. There are physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual challenges in our lives at any given time. And the list doesn't stop there. You may be experiencing problems in a relationship or at work. Whatever it is, it is here for a reason.

The things we experience are here to teach us, to develop something in us that is ready to grow at this time. If you are experiencing it, something in you is ready. God has said that He would not give us anything more than we can bear. If we are bearing it, then from God's promise we know we can handle it. It may not always feel that way but this is where faith comes in. Faith is believing even when everything says it isn't possible. Exercising this faith is what grows and stretches you.

When you exercise you are breaking down the muscles. This is what an experience does, it breaks things down. When you rest after exercising the muscles knit back together stronger than they were before. This is what helps you to be faster, stronger, and more flexible the next time you exercise. After an experience breaks things down, faith builds things up stronger than they were before. This is what helps you to be stronger and more flexible the next time you have a similar experience.

This is the process of life; breaking down walls, perceptions, habits, thoughts, feelings, etc. in order to build a stronger more flexible you. Life and its experiences are not about breaking you but rather making you into the best version of yourself you can be. Just as with a challenging exercise, we feel better, stronger, and more able to move forward in life when we overcome challenges too.

So take a second look at the experiences that feel overwhelming in your life right now. Try to see what they are here to teach you. Finding out what that is may bring you the peace you are seeking.

Sunday, September 2, 2012