Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap Day!

Today is a very unique and special day. It is a day that only comes once a year. It is Leap Day. Is that right? So how are you spending this day? Are you doing anything special or doing something special for someone? There are a lucky few whose birthday falls on this day. They are given the gift of aging at a fourth of the time as fast as the rest of us, Ha Ha!

But really, how are you spending today? Is there something special on your agenda? Or is today just another day that will pass with little ceremony or notice?

I ask you these questions because for many years I haven't given this day much thought myself outside of the initial curiosity of it all. Even this year, it's only gotten a small amount of attention from me and my family. This made me wonder, how often am I given opportunities to make the day different or special and I let them pass me by or take them for granted. How often do we all take something, no matter the size, for granted? We do this all while we hunger and yearn for something fun or exciting to happen. We want our loved ones to take initiative and do things for us or to pay attention to us in an out of the ordinary kind of way. We want to be made to feel special.

As much as we desire to feel special, so do the people in our lives want that for themselves. So you end up having both sides looking at the other one waiting for them to take action. This only manages to leave everyone waiting on the side lines with disappointment and frustration. All the while everyone is neglecting to take the opportunities to find enjoyment in the simple opportunities that come along to create what they want in the first place; a moment out of the ordinary and a time to feel special.

I have decided to stop waiting for someone else to create the moment that is out of the ordinary so I can feel special. After all, I can't control anyone else or their actions, so I could be waiting forever for what I want to happen. I feel it is now time for me to be the change that I want in my life. My chances of getting what I want are far greater if I take action being that I am the only one I have any control over. Besides that, I will have given a gift someone else, helping them to feel special. And what you give, you get back.

So take the opportunities that come along to create a moment or share something special with someone. Be the excitement you want in your life and chances are someone will return the favor because of your example.

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