I finally have a website and I am moving, yeah! I will be posting new posts as well as re-posting older posts on my new blog. I will no longer be posting or updating on this web page. Thank you for reading my blog here. Please come and join me at my new website:
Monday, September 28, 2015
Monday, September 21, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for being able to share in the my daughter's life as she is preparing to get married. It is such a milestone. Everything is changing and it's sad and beautiful all at the same time. What a blessing that I am able to be apart of this.
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Quotes to live by
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." ~ Pablo Picasso
Monday, September 14, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for doTERRA essential oils. This week is their annual convention and I have seen so many improvements in my life and the lives of others with the use of these oils.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Quotes to live by
"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want." ~ Madonna
Monday, September 7, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Recently I have begun taking Reiki, the Japanese ancient art of healing. I am excited about all of the wonderful experiences and things I have begun to witness while using it. Amazing. I am so grateful for the many ways God has provided us to help ourselves and others.
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." ~ Dr. Suess
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference
I will have a booth at the Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference in Orem, UT on Sept. 12 from 8 am to 7 pm. I will be giving free 10 min. Intuitive Readings for anyone who comes to the booth and signs up. The time slots fill up fast and I am usually booked up for the whole day before lunch time. So if you want to sign up, head over in the morning. I look forward to seeing you there!
You can register for the conference here:

You can register for the conference here:
Conscious Creator: The 7 Laws for Manifesting Your Masterpiece Life with God
Conscious Creator: The 7 Laws for Manifesting Your Masterpiece Life with God
Monday, August 31, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for how God sends me someone to help and the answer is for me as well. Two birds, one stone. Awesome!
Sunday, August 30, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe." ~ Saint Augustine
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Lost in the Dark
It is easier to blame God than it is to face what we fear is true about ourselves. So we hide from the light of Christ that lives within us, living in the dark and by doing so validating everything we fear to be true. Not realizing that the light isn't there to condemn us but to bear witness to the truth of God's love for us and to free us from the fear that is lying to us and keeping us in the dark. It's hard to believe in the fear when there's a light shinning in the dark.
"Darkness is merely the absence of light." ~ Verse By Verse The Book of Mormon
So, if there is light, then there can be no dark.
"Darkness is merely the absence of light." ~ Verse By Verse The Book of Mormon
So, if there is light, then there can be no dark.
Monday, August 24, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for the help that God's send exactly when I need it. Most of the time it's showing up just as I am realizing I need it. What heavenly help has been sent your way when you needed it most?
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Quotes to live by
"How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in your life, you will have been all of these." ~ George Washington Carver
Thursday, August 20, 2015
Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference.
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
It sounds so simple to listen, to hear what someone is saying. But the truth is far from simple. So often when we are in the act of listening I believe we are acting. When we listen are we thinking of a way to solve "the problem", are we considering our reply, are we wanting to interject and make a point or even point out that we were right. To truly listen is to hold space while someone else thinks and talks and makes sense of their experience.
We are giving someone else the opportunity to take all of the stuff that's spinning around in their head and heart and bring it outside of themselves where they can have a chance to gain some perspective. Where they can look at it and gain some insight and understanding to how they feel and what they want to do. It is supporting them to come to resolution of their thoughts and feelings without an agenda.
I used to think I was a very good listener, I now believe that is not always the case. Especially when I am deeply emotionally connected to the person or situation. Too often I find I am trying to "fix things" and make everything better, trying to stop the pain or flat out take it away, trying to create the outcome I believe they need or I want. If I am doing all of this, what room have I left to exercise faith and show trust in them? What message am I giving them if I am trying to solve it or fix it for them?
When we are sharing, especially very emotionally and vulnerable things, we are doing so because we want validation. On the surface we think it's validation of being right. I think the truth goes much deeper than that. I think we are looking for validation that we exist and we feel and how we feel matters. I also have come to believe that when we truly listen, most of the time people can come up with their own solutions and insights that will best serve them. Yes sometimes, they do need some guidance and assistance but I don't think we should automatically assume when that is.
When we are truly listening and not just acting like we are and are free of an agenda in the matter; we are open and receptive to the inspiration that can help us to know when guidance and assistance is the right course of action. Pain is not an enemy that needs to be gotten rid off. It is a messenger with a wealth of information. So sometimes even though it's hard to watch, what's best for them is to feel the pain so they can receive the message and make use of the information it's trying to communicate to them.
So when you're listening, really listen. Don't assume, try to fix or point out. Simply give them some time and space without judgement and I think you will start to see more and more people surprise you with how they resolve things and move on without so much involvement and effort from you. And I think you'll be surprised with how much more insightful and reassuring your guidance and assistance becomes.
We are giving someone else the opportunity to take all of the stuff that's spinning around in their head and heart and bring it outside of themselves where they can have a chance to gain some perspective. Where they can look at it and gain some insight and understanding to how they feel and what they want to do. It is supporting them to come to resolution of their thoughts and feelings without an agenda.
I used to think I was a very good listener, I now believe that is not always the case. Especially when I am deeply emotionally connected to the person or situation. Too often I find I am trying to "fix things" and make everything better, trying to stop the pain or flat out take it away, trying to create the outcome I believe they need or I want. If I am doing all of this, what room have I left to exercise faith and show trust in them? What message am I giving them if I am trying to solve it or fix it for them?
When we are sharing, especially very emotionally and vulnerable things, we are doing so because we want validation. On the surface we think it's validation of being right. I think the truth goes much deeper than that. I think we are looking for validation that we exist and we feel and how we feel matters. I also have come to believe that when we truly listen, most of the time people can come up with their own solutions and insights that will best serve them. Yes sometimes, they do need some guidance and assistance but I don't think we should automatically assume when that is.
When we are truly listening and not just acting like we are and are free of an agenda in the matter; we are open and receptive to the inspiration that can help us to know when guidance and assistance is the right course of action. Pain is not an enemy that needs to be gotten rid off. It is a messenger with a wealth of information. So sometimes even though it's hard to watch, what's best for them is to feel the pain so they can receive the message and make use of the information it's trying to communicate to them.
So when you're listening, really listen. Don't assume, try to fix or point out. Simply give them some time and space without judgement and I think you will start to see more and more people surprise you with how they resolve things and move on without so much involvement and effort from you. And I think you'll be surprised with how much more insightful and reassuring your guidance and assistance becomes.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Quotes to live by
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose." ~ Dr. Suess
Quotes to live by
"God has given you one face and you make for yourself another." ~ William Shakespeare
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Growing Pains
Lately when people ask me how I am doing I have been saying that I am good, I'm just experiencing growing pains. There are a lot of things I want to do and the truth is, I have to learn how to do them which can mean experiencing pain in the process of learning and growing. It's not always easy or fun but I find that when I look at it from the perspective that I am getting where I want to go it's not as bad as when I complain about it the whole time.
So much of my life I wanted things to be easy and only did what was easy. But how does easy show me what I am capable of. Going with the current is easy but it is only when I go against the current and things become hard am I truly able to see how committed I am, how much I really want it, how determined I am, what I am willing to give and do to have it, and how much I care.
It's easy to fall in love with someone or something when there are no obstacles or challenges. Staying in love when things are hard shows you how committed to love and keeping it you are. It shows you the value of your love and what love means to you. Saying you love someone or want something in life is nice, but what are you willing to do to make it happen and work out? Are you willing to face your fears? Are you willing to put aside your doubt, your self criticism, taking things personal, and your need to be right? Are you willing to let go of the conditions you put on yourself, them, and your relationship?
Growing can hurt sometimes, but just because I might feel pain is not reason enough to shy away, give up or discount what I am capable of. If there is something you want and your willing to go after it; then be prepared, because you're going to have to show how committed you are and that may include experiencing some growing pains.
So much of my life I wanted things to be easy and only did what was easy. But how does easy show me what I am capable of. Going with the current is easy but it is only when I go against the current and things become hard am I truly able to see how committed I am, how much I really want it, how determined I am, what I am willing to give and do to have it, and how much I care.
It's easy to fall in love with someone or something when there are no obstacles or challenges. Staying in love when things are hard shows you how committed to love and keeping it you are. It shows you the value of your love and what love means to you. Saying you love someone or want something in life is nice, but what are you willing to do to make it happen and work out? Are you willing to face your fears? Are you willing to put aside your doubt, your self criticism, taking things personal, and your need to be right? Are you willing to let go of the conditions you put on yourself, them, and your relationship?
Growing can hurt sometimes, but just because I might feel pain is not reason enough to shy away, give up or discount what I am capable of. If there is something you want and your willing to go after it; then be prepared, because you're going to have to show how committed you are and that may include experiencing some growing pains.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for the kind words of others. It is often unexpected and it feels so nice to be recognized or acknowledged. It is a gift that makes all the difference. Who can you share this gift with and make a positive impact with?
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I'll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I'll always be on your mind." ~ William Shakespeare
Monday, July 27, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for how often God is offering me what I want. Admittedly, I am now recognizing that often I have been too busy, too doubtful, too fearful and such to receive what he is trying to give me. Luckily for me, awareness is a door way to change.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Give what you have. To someone it may be better than you think." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Quotes to live by
"When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit." ~ Ayn Rand
Sunday, July 12, 2015
Quotes to live by
"I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." ~ Bill Cosby
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Monday, June 29, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Thank you Lord for giving me the gifts and abilities that you have. Gifts that allow me to help others see what is good about them and how much you love them. Thank you.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Quotes to live by
"I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living." ~ Dr. Suess
Monday, June 22, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Thank you Lord, I have five beautiful children who love me and I get to love them. Thank you for celebrating another birthday with them.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you. And in the end you are to succeed." ~ President Abraham Lincoln
Monday, June 15, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
It's official, I am a mother to an adult. Where has the time gone? Where ever it went, thank you lord for all of it.
Sunday, June 14, 2015
Monday, June 8, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for music. It has such a powerful impact to help lift me up when I am down or help me when I need answers. God sends me the right song at the right time. Thank you.
Sunday, June 7, 2015
Monday, June 1, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for being able to visit my mother. We live in two different states now and it's not as easy to come and see her as it used to be. I cherish the time I have with her. Thank you lord for giving me my mom, I love her.
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
The Human Condition
Recently I had an experience that caused me great pain. My family was fighting. Anyone who knows me, knows that I love my family and I want them to be happy. For me, fighting is contrary to happiness. So of course that means I don't like fighting, especially in my family. Not only do I not like fighting but I try to keep it from happening as much as possible.
Over the last couple of years I have done a lot of learning, growing and work to come to the place where I am now. In this place I don't take things so personal, I'm more relaxed and respond less stress-fully to people and situations. And I am not perfect, so on this occasion I was just not able to get out of some old habits and it made for a very hard day. I jumped right on that train of hopelessness and despair, blaming and feeling guilty; that by the end of the day it was I could do not to call it quits with these relationships.
What it boils down to is, I was not getting what I wanted and I was mad. I was mad at them for not being the way I wanted them to be and doing what I wanted them to do. Then I was mad at myself for not being able to stop it or fix it. Now after several days have passed I am beginning to wonder, who was being selfish, them for doing what they wanted in spite of what I wanted or me for wanting what I wanted to the point that I was refusing to let them choose for themselves?
It's so funny, we decide we want something to the point that we won't let anyone have a choice or a say about it, but if we don't get a choice we have an ever loving fit. Not only that but we judge ourselves by our intentions and we judge others by their actions. It's all a lopsided affair full of blame, shame, guilt and double standards.
I have come to the conclusion that not much separates us from who we are now and the two year old we once were. It really doesn't take much to send us into a fit and meltdown. Just tell us no, we can't have what we want, things aren't the way we thought, etc. and we regress into that two year old, crying, yelling, accusing, stomping, slamming and hitting at who ever and what ever it is we think is the cause of our pain, fear, disappointment and confusion.
I think I am beginning to understand that not all of my hurt feelings were about not getting what I want. I think there is something else happening that is causing a deeper hurt; it's the fact that I was not willing to give them choice. I wanted what I wanted and that was it. It didn't matter what they wanted, so long as I was getting what I wanted. I feel this is contrary to our soul's understanding of what loving someone truly is. To love someone is to give them a choice. Not only do you give them a choice, you give them a choice without conditions.
The human condition is to put conditions on everything, especially on love. You see these conditions all the time in "If, then" statements. If you love me then you won't... If you love me then you will... We think things like, if you hurt me then you don't love me or if you're rude to me then I'm not important to you. But none of this is true. We make mistakes all the time that hurt the people we love and we know we didn't do it because we didn't love them. We know that our mistake that hurt them wasn't about whether we loved them, it was about what was going on with us that we made the mistake. And yet, when they make a mistake that hurts us we make it mean something about us; like they don't love us, care about us, or we're not important to them.
The truth is; we love each other and we make mistakes that hurt each other. It's not love or mistakes, it's love and mistakes. Putting conditions on love sets us up for painful experiences. Not getting what I want doesn't mean I'm not loved or that I'm unimportant to the people I love, it simply means I didn't get what I want for whatever reason. Yes, that's disappointing. But why couple that with the pain of believing something that isn't true and that only serves to cause distrust and hurtful relationships and experiences.
Experiences and relationships are painful enough without us adding the weight of conditions that only lead to more pain, misunderstandings, disappointment and heartache. God teaches of unconditional love. I think he does this because he knows how damaging conditions on love are. Unconditional love doesn't mean not having hopes and dreams. It's having hopes and dreams while leaving an opportunity for love and a choice.
I recognize now that I added to my pain by not giving my family a choice while wanting what I want. I can't control them, I can only control me. If I give them a choice, it doesn't mean I'll get what I want. But it does mean that I am removing the weight and pressure of conditions that will only lead to increased pain and disappointment if things aren't the way I want them to be.
Over the last couple of years I have done a lot of learning, growing and work to come to the place where I am now. In this place I don't take things so personal, I'm more relaxed and respond less stress-fully to people and situations. And I am not perfect, so on this occasion I was just not able to get out of some old habits and it made for a very hard day. I jumped right on that train of hopelessness and despair, blaming and feeling guilty; that by the end of the day it was I could do not to call it quits with these relationships.
What it boils down to is, I was not getting what I wanted and I was mad. I was mad at them for not being the way I wanted them to be and doing what I wanted them to do. Then I was mad at myself for not being able to stop it or fix it. Now after several days have passed I am beginning to wonder, who was being selfish, them for doing what they wanted in spite of what I wanted or me for wanting what I wanted to the point that I was refusing to let them choose for themselves?
It's so funny, we decide we want something to the point that we won't let anyone have a choice or a say about it, but if we don't get a choice we have an ever loving fit. Not only that but we judge ourselves by our intentions and we judge others by their actions. It's all a lopsided affair full of blame, shame, guilt and double standards.
I have come to the conclusion that not much separates us from who we are now and the two year old we once were. It really doesn't take much to send us into a fit and meltdown. Just tell us no, we can't have what we want, things aren't the way we thought, etc. and we regress into that two year old, crying, yelling, accusing, stomping, slamming and hitting at who ever and what ever it is we think is the cause of our pain, fear, disappointment and confusion.
I think I am beginning to understand that not all of my hurt feelings were about not getting what I want. I think there is something else happening that is causing a deeper hurt; it's the fact that I was not willing to give them choice. I wanted what I wanted and that was it. It didn't matter what they wanted, so long as I was getting what I wanted. I feel this is contrary to our soul's understanding of what loving someone truly is. To love someone is to give them a choice. Not only do you give them a choice, you give them a choice without conditions.
The human condition is to put conditions on everything, especially on love. You see these conditions all the time in "If, then" statements. If you love me then you won't... If you love me then you will... We think things like, if you hurt me then you don't love me or if you're rude to me then I'm not important to you. But none of this is true. We make mistakes all the time that hurt the people we love and we know we didn't do it because we didn't love them. We know that our mistake that hurt them wasn't about whether we loved them, it was about what was going on with us that we made the mistake. And yet, when they make a mistake that hurts us we make it mean something about us; like they don't love us, care about us, or we're not important to them.
The truth is; we love each other and we make mistakes that hurt each other. It's not love or mistakes, it's love and mistakes. Putting conditions on love sets us up for painful experiences. Not getting what I want doesn't mean I'm not loved or that I'm unimportant to the people I love, it simply means I didn't get what I want for whatever reason. Yes, that's disappointing. But why couple that with the pain of believing something that isn't true and that only serves to cause distrust and hurtful relationships and experiences.
Experiences and relationships are painful enough without us adding the weight of conditions that only lead to more pain, misunderstandings, disappointment and heartache. God teaches of unconditional love. I think he does this because he knows how damaging conditions on love are. Unconditional love doesn't mean not having hopes and dreams. It's having hopes and dreams while leaving an opportunity for love and a choice.
I recognize now that I added to my pain by not giving my family a choice while wanting what I want. I can't control them, I can only control me. If I give them a choice, it doesn't mean I'll get what I want. But it does mean that I am removing the weight and pressure of conditions that will only lead to increased pain and disappointment if things aren't the way I want them to be.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for school. Can my kids go back now? Just kidding. I love having them home.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Yeah, my oldest is graduating from High School! It seems like it was just yesterday when she was born and here we are. Where did the time go? I wish I could rewind time but alas, I cannot.
Congratulations Alexis, I love you! You did it!
Congratulations Alexis, I love you! You did it!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for summer break. My kids will be home from school and I won't have to get up to get them ready in the morning, yeah!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Whole Person Preparedness Conference
If you are interested in learning how to prepare yourself for the world you are living in today as well as the world you may face tomorrow, come to the Whole Person Preparedness Conference in Idaho Falls, Idaho on Sat. May 16, 2015 from 9 am to 6 pm. I will have a booth where I will be offering free intuitive readings for anyone who is interested in learning more about them. I look forward to seeing you there. It will be here:
University Place
Building CHE
1770 Science Center Drive
Idaho Falls, Idaho
2nd Floor
I was at church on Sunday for Mother's Day and a speaker shared a song that his wife's family sings every Mother's Day. It's just so darn cute and funny I had to share it.
M is for the many things you've given me
O is for the other things you've given me
T is for the thousand things you've given me
H is for the hundred things you've given me
E is for everything you've given me
R is for the things I'd rather had
Many times as a mother we work so hard giving everything of ourselves and sacrificing ourselves and what we want all along the way. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do this but I think maybe it shouldn't be always, all the time with everything. How many times do we check to see if it's something they want rather than what we want for them?
As a mother we want lots of good things for our families but even though this is true I believe the gift of our love and efforts will be better received and appreciated if we make sure they want it for themselves and we give them a choice. After all, who wants to give and sacrifice so much when it is not wanted or received?
As a mother who has done all of the above and seeing the not so humorous side of "the things I'd rather had", I think I am finally maturing from an eager mother to a wise mother. There are times when as a mother, I am called to give everything and they don't want it. And what they want, they can't have because it is not good for them. There are other times when I can give what they want and times when I can let them choose for themselves, even though those choices will cause them pain and heartache.
The beauty of God's design is not that I am here to prevent there every unhappiness and provide there every happiness. His design allows for them to have those bumps and scrapes while encircled in my loving arms, where the consequences are less devastating and I can intervene with the wisdom he has given me when necessary.
There are seasons for sacrificing and times for being hands off. The trick is knowing how and when to do both. There are moments for giving them what you want and for giving them what they want. There are opportunities to help them with their choices and there are times when they must choose for themselves. The blessing is that God is always there ready to offer a hand with the child he gave you. You never have to do all by yourself, alone or blind. He is eager to help you. All you have to do is ask. The fact that he gave you your child means he has confidence in you and believes you can do it. And you can.
May God bless you in your work as a mother!
M is for the many things you've given me
O is for the other things you've given me
T is for the thousand things you've given me
H is for the hundred things you've given me
E is for everything you've given me
R is for the things I'd rather had
Many times as a mother we work so hard giving everything of ourselves and sacrificing ourselves and what we want all along the way. I'm not saying that we shouldn't do this but I think maybe it shouldn't be always, all the time with everything. How many times do we check to see if it's something they want rather than what we want for them?
As a mother we want lots of good things for our families but even though this is true I believe the gift of our love and efforts will be better received and appreciated if we make sure they want it for themselves and we give them a choice. After all, who wants to give and sacrifice so much when it is not wanted or received?
As a mother who has done all of the above and seeing the not so humorous side of "the things I'd rather had", I think I am finally maturing from an eager mother to a wise mother. There are times when as a mother, I am called to give everything and they don't want it. And what they want, they can't have because it is not good for them. There are other times when I can give what they want and times when I can let them choose for themselves, even though those choices will cause them pain and heartache.
The beauty of God's design is not that I am here to prevent there every unhappiness and provide there every happiness. His design allows for them to have those bumps and scrapes while encircled in my loving arms, where the consequences are less devastating and I can intervene with the wisdom he has given me when necessary.
There are seasons for sacrificing and times for being hands off. The trick is knowing how and when to do both. There are moments for giving them what you want and for giving them what they want. There are opportunities to help them with their choices and there are times when they must choose for themselves. The blessing is that God is always there ready to offer a hand with the child he gave you. You never have to do all by yourself, alone or blind. He is eager to help you. All you have to do is ask. The fact that he gave you your child means he has confidence in you and believes you can do it. And you can.
May God bless you in your work as a mother!
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for my own attitude of gratitude. It surprises me that my own expressions of gratitude become the very words I need to hear at that moment. Not only that but it seems to be in those exact moments that I am also able to see how God is with me, helping me, protecting and guiding me.
Today I am alive and I am loved. What more can I ask for.
Today I am alive and I am loved. What more can I ask for.
Sunday, May 10, 2015
Quotes to live by
"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today." ~ President Abraham Lincoln
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Quotes to live by
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure." ~ Bill Cosby
Monday, April 20, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I love my children. One thing you learn from a child if you let them, is to appreciate the things you didn't realize you were taking for granted.
Sunday, April 19, 2015
Quotes to live by
"It's a helluva start being able to recognize what makes you happy." ~ Lucille Ball
Monday, April 13, 2015
Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference
I will have a booth at the Christ Centered Energy Healing Conference in Logan this Saturday, April 18, 2015. The details for the conference are below. Love to met you in person.
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for moments when all I can do is say, "I am grateful, I am grateful, I am grateful" over and over like a mantra. Because even though I feel like I am holding on by a thread, the fact of the matter is, I am going to miss the insanity of a house full of kids. This phase of my life will pass more quickly than I am ready for and it will never be this way again.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Monday, April 6, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for blessings. I am especially grateful that when I pray for blessings for others I feel better, am strengthened and supported to continue in my life with more freedom and peace.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Happy Easter!
Easter is a beautiful reminder of the promised blessings that God has for us all, if we will simply choose to receive it. They are the blessings of forgiveness, redemption and resurrection. Without these blessings we are lost and life loses its meaning and purpose. With them we have every reason to live with joy and hope. We do so because of the love of a God who would sacrifice everything for our sake.
We are all beggars in our father's kingdom. We are such, because everything we have regardless of how it came to us, came from God. In the beginning God made all matter. Regardless of the form it is in, He made it. It found its way to us because he sent it.
Where on earth have you ever seen a beggar live so well or receive so much without being able to pay equal to the price for what has been given? This is the gift we are given on earth as children of God. The gift of Christ's resurrection is the ability to return to our Father and live in his celestial glory.
May you enjoy this Easter Sunday and take joy in Christ beyond a bunny and his basket of eggs.
We are all beggars in our father's kingdom. We are such, because everything we have regardless of how it came to us, came from God. In the beginning God made all matter. Regardless of the form it is in, He made it. It found its way to us because he sent it.
Where on earth have you ever seen a beggar live so well or receive so much without being able to pay equal to the price for what has been given? This is the gift we are given on earth as children of God. The gift of Christ's resurrection is the ability to return to our Father and live in his celestial glory.
May you enjoy this Easter Sunday and take joy in Christ beyond a bunny and his basket of eggs.
Quotes to live by
"No one's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy." ~ Ayn Rand
Monday, March 30, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for apologies. I really want my apologies when I want them but I am often slow to apologize at times as well. Whether we are apologizing or someone else is, it is apart of the forgiveness process and as none of us are perfect it is something we all need to be giving.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
Quotes to live by
"The heart, like the mind, has a memory. And in it are kept the most precious keepsakes." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Thursday, March 26, 2015
Caught up in our emotions
When we are caught up in our emotions, it's as though they wash over us like a powerful wave and before we know it we find ourselves caught in a current. It's a current of deep waters we don't want to be in, struggling to stay afloat and not be taken under by. In the case of our emotions it's a current we don't want to be taken over by. Take anger for example; anger is easy to be swept up by and it is the path of least resistance. Water takes the path of least resistance and I believe emotions do to.
How many times do we find ourselves going along our merry way when bam, we are side swiped by something and we find ourselves saying and doing things we later regret because we were over taken by strong emotions. In the powerful wave of our emotions, everything 'feels' so real. And yet later when the emotions subside we are often able to see that things were not as real as they appeared under the influence of that powerful emotion.
I think we often feel that we are our emotions and from this perspective; if we are our emotions and our emotions are in pain, then it would seem to reason that the fight or flight response would take over thinking that we are in danger from the thing that is causing our emotions to feel this way. In this perspective it would be easy to see why we are often carried away by our powerful emotions and why they elicit such strong responses from us.
But what if we are not our emotions? What if we are something more important that has more control and a choice in how to respond to the emotions we feel? Oprah Winfrey in her studies with Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra says, "We are the awareness behind our emotions."
What is our awareness, but our spirit. From the perspective that we feel that we are our emotions, it is easy to be carried away by our emotions and over taken by them. But if we make a change to a new perspective that we are not our emotions, but we are the spirit that is experiencing and witnessing these emotions, we no longer have to respond with the knee jerk response of fight or flight. If we are not our emotions and we do not have to respond as though we are in danger, how we choose to respond becomes a choice instead of a reaction. When we have a choice, we are free.
When we are free, our feelings no longer feel overwhelming; they become joyful and enrich our lives. They become the color of our world, brightening and enlivening it. They turn relationships into experiences that grow and mature us. We are not our feelings, we are the spirit that God created and as such we choose our feelings, they do not choose us.
How many times do we find ourselves going along our merry way when bam, we are side swiped by something and we find ourselves saying and doing things we later regret because we were over taken by strong emotions. In the powerful wave of our emotions, everything 'feels' so real. And yet later when the emotions subside we are often able to see that things were not as real as they appeared under the influence of that powerful emotion.
I think we often feel that we are our emotions and from this perspective; if we are our emotions and our emotions are in pain, then it would seem to reason that the fight or flight response would take over thinking that we are in danger from the thing that is causing our emotions to feel this way. In this perspective it would be easy to see why we are often carried away by our powerful emotions and why they elicit such strong responses from us.
But what if we are not our emotions? What if we are something more important that has more control and a choice in how to respond to the emotions we feel? Oprah Winfrey in her studies with Eckhart Tolle and Deepak Chopra says, "We are the awareness behind our emotions."
What is our awareness, but our spirit. From the perspective that we feel that we are our emotions, it is easy to be carried away by our emotions and over taken by them. But if we make a change to a new perspective that we are not our emotions, but we are the spirit that is experiencing and witnessing these emotions, we no longer have to respond with the knee jerk response of fight or flight. If we are not our emotions and we do not have to respond as though we are in danger, how we choose to respond becomes a choice instead of a reaction. When we have a choice, we are free.
When we are free, our feelings no longer feel overwhelming; they become joyful and enrich our lives. They become the color of our world, brightening and enlivening it. They turn relationships into experiences that grow and mature us. We are not our feelings, we are the spirit that God created and as such we choose our feelings, they do not choose us.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for coincidence. I am grateful that it is God's way of remaining anonymous, because everything is being divinely guided and directed by him who knows each of us perfectly and loves us unconditionally. That is who I want orchestrating the coincidences of my life.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Be ye as a little child
This is just one of those days. You know the kind when you know there is something "more" for you to do but you have no idea how to go about doing it. I think I have some understanding of what "it" is, but it just seems as though the doors are shut and I can't get them open to make anything happen.
This is another classic case of me, trying to do it. Me being busy and scurrying around, looking for the one door that will get me to where I think I should go. All the while the anxiety is building and I feel more and more frustrated. And because things don't look the way I think they should, I feel like a failure. I'm disappointed and in the frustration of my feelings I find myself blaming God. Why are you asking me to do this if you're not making the way for it?
The truth is, God doesn't ask anything of us without providing the way. Usually what happens looks very much like when I ask one of my children to do something for me. As I begin to ask one of my kids if they will help me with something, they are often off and running to go do what I asked when I haven't even gotten half way through what I was asking them for. So that when they return they have often either not done what I asked or they come back asking me questions because they don't know how to do what I asked them to. Does this sound familiar?
As a parent, I want my child to be still, listen to all of my instructions and then ask any questions they may have before they go and do what I ask of them. God is our father, as a parent himself; would he want anything less from us, his children? So at times like these, when I don't know how to do what my heart is strongly telling me to do, I am to become as a little child.
Perhaps, like a child, I am confused because I did not listen long enough to get all of my instructions. And maybe either from excitement or dismay over the request, I forgot to ask the questions that would clarify things for me. So when we find ourselves in moments like these, God hasn't abandoned us to our fate but is rather patiently waiting for us to return for the further instructions that will turn confusion into clarity and dismay into excitement.
The scriptures say that we are to be as little children and children can be very eager which is good. But sometimes a child is so eager they forget to be patient. The scriptures also advise moderation. Maybe these are experiences where God is teaching us to temper our eagerness with patience so that with the two, we may have the eagerness to go forth and do the work and the patience to see it through to the end.
As it is, I think it's time for me to go and have a conversation with my father. Wish me luck! After all, it's St. Patrick's Day.
This is another classic case of me, trying to do it. Me being busy and scurrying around, looking for the one door that will get me to where I think I should go. All the while the anxiety is building and I feel more and more frustrated. And because things don't look the way I think they should, I feel like a failure. I'm disappointed and in the frustration of my feelings I find myself blaming God. Why are you asking me to do this if you're not making the way for it?
The truth is, God doesn't ask anything of us without providing the way. Usually what happens looks very much like when I ask one of my children to do something for me. As I begin to ask one of my kids if they will help me with something, they are often off and running to go do what I asked when I haven't even gotten half way through what I was asking them for. So that when they return they have often either not done what I asked or they come back asking me questions because they don't know how to do what I asked them to. Does this sound familiar?
As a parent, I want my child to be still, listen to all of my instructions and then ask any questions they may have before they go and do what I ask of them. God is our father, as a parent himself; would he want anything less from us, his children? So at times like these, when I don't know how to do what my heart is strongly telling me to do, I am to become as a little child.
Perhaps, like a child, I am confused because I did not listen long enough to get all of my instructions. And maybe either from excitement or dismay over the request, I forgot to ask the questions that would clarify things for me. So when we find ourselves in moments like these, God hasn't abandoned us to our fate but is rather patiently waiting for us to return for the further instructions that will turn confusion into clarity and dismay into excitement.
The scriptures say that we are to be as little children and children can be very eager which is good. But sometimes a child is so eager they forget to be patient. The scriptures also advise moderation. Maybe these are experiences where God is teaching us to temper our eagerness with patience so that with the two, we may have the eagerness to go forth and do the work and the patience to see it through to the end.
As it is, I think it's time for me to go and have a conversation with my father. Wish me luck! After all, it's St. Patrick's Day.
Monday, March 16, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for the Disney Movie Frozen. I absolutely love the song "Let it go". I think it will be one of my all time favorites. It feels like the way Chaka Khan sang, "he's strumming my pain with his fingers, he's telling my life with his words." It feels like it describes so much of me and my life. Love it.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Do not let your fire go out spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all...The world you desire can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours." ~ Ayn Rand
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
No Problems?
Recently while I was at church they were discussing the things that Christ taught people to "be" during his sermon on the mount. He began each statement with "blessed are". He gave a list of 9 things to "be". A list that if we followed it and did as he said, we would be blessed. A list that sounds simple but can feel very hard to accomplish when we are in the midst of feeling our feelings.
Often we are trying to be perfect and do these things perfectly. But we are not perfect and often fall short of the mark. In our yearning to be perfect sometimes we ignore our mistakes or try to hide them. When our mistakes become secrets they can have a high price that can be devastating when they are discovered. And our wounds can feel too big and too deep to recover from.
Another thing we may do is wish them away or feel persecuted, why me? Why do we make the association that to be perfect means that we do not have any problems, trials or burdens? And we act as though the only way that God can show he loves us, is if we do not have any problems or trials. Or if we pray, the only way God can show he is listening and he loves us is to take away the problem we are praying over.
If Christ truly is our example in all things then his example shows us the folly in our thinking here. Christ truly was perfect, the only one of us who was, is and will continue to be perfect, without fault or blemish. No other person will ever be able to say the same. In fact we are full of such imperfection that we make mistakes on a daily basis.
Christ who is perfect, lived a life full of problems. He was tempted by the devil continually to misuse and abuse his station, his gifts, and his authority. He was ridiculed, mistreated, threatened, abused, rejected, taunted, demeaned, abandoned, ignored, denounced, betrayed, attacked, humiliated, entrapped, slandered, beaten, accused, punished, etc, etc, etc. The list literally can go on and on. Can any of you sympathize?
He experienced all of this for us, because he loves us. If this was his life, then why do we think our life is supposed to be any different. Why is our life to be the exception when we are here to become like Christ. And even though his life was full of these problems; he loved and was loved.
Loving and being loved does not mean there will be no problems. What it does mean is that you will not be alone when you experience your problems. The more you love and allow yourself to be loved, the more support you will find is there for you when you make your mistakes. Christ is again our example; he didn't give just any old kind of love, he gave unconditional love. It is this love without condition that will support us in our mistakes and imperfection as well as others when they fall short and disappoint or even hurt us with their mistakes. Who says that people only love us if they don't hurt us?
It wasn't just Christ's enemies who did all of these things to him. Some of these things were done by the people closest to him; the ones he called brother and friend. When did the only way a person can show they love us, is by not hurting us or causing us pain? Especially when we make mistakes that hurt the ones we love all the time. We know we made these mistakes and we love them; and yet we hold others to this different condition of, to love me is not to hurt me.
People make mistakes and it can hurt. But what truly hurts us and causes us our deepest heartache, sorrow and grief are the conditions that we are putting on love and life. It is these self-created prisons and self-inflicted pain that is in the way of our greatest happiness. If we put it there, then we have the power to remove it.
We can make a different choice and embrace a different way of thinking. We can remove the conditions we are putting on ourselves, on our lives, on others, on love and on God. We can strive for perfection and embrace our imperfections that lead to mistakes, which are merely learning and growing experiences. We can embrace a life that is filled with problems through grace and patience, and by doing so come to know what God is trying to teach us. We can experience problems while loving and being loved in all its messiness. And we can forgive; forgive ourselves, forgive others, and forgive God. It's that simple; the easiness or hardness is up to us and what conditions we decide to embrace.
I don't know about you but I know that for me, I choose to serve the Lord and receive of his unconditional love. And come what may, I will strive to reflect that unconditional love in my life to the best of my ability, problems and all.
Often we are trying to be perfect and do these things perfectly. But we are not perfect and often fall short of the mark. In our yearning to be perfect sometimes we ignore our mistakes or try to hide them. When our mistakes become secrets they can have a high price that can be devastating when they are discovered. And our wounds can feel too big and too deep to recover from.
Another thing we may do is wish them away or feel persecuted, why me? Why do we make the association that to be perfect means that we do not have any problems, trials or burdens? And we act as though the only way that God can show he loves us, is if we do not have any problems or trials. Or if we pray, the only way God can show he is listening and he loves us is to take away the problem we are praying over.
If Christ truly is our example in all things then his example shows us the folly in our thinking here. Christ truly was perfect, the only one of us who was, is and will continue to be perfect, without fault or blemish. No other person will ever be able to say the same. In fact we are full of such imperfection that we make mistakes on a daily basis.
Christ who is perfect, lived a life full of problems. He was tempted by the devil continually to misuse and abuse his station, his gifts, and his authority. He was ridiculed, mistreated, threatened, abused, rejected, taunted, demeaned, abandoned, ignored, denounced, betrayed, attacked, humiliated, entrapped, slandered, beaten, accused, punished, etc, etc, etc. The list literally can go on and on. Can any of you sympathize?
He experienced all of this for us, because he loves us. If this was his life, then why do we think our life is supposed to be any different. Why is our life to be the exception when we are here to become like Christ. And even though his life was full of these problems; he loved and was loved.
Loving and being loved does not mean there will be no problems. What it does mean is that you will not be alone when you experience your problems. The more you love and allow yourself to be loved, the more support you will find is there for you when you make your mistakes. Christ is again our example; he didn't give just any old kind of love, he gave unconditional love. It is this love without condition that will support us in our mistakes and imperfection as well as others when they fall short and disappoint or even hurt us with their mistakes. Who says that people only love us if they don't hurt us?
It wasn't just Christ's enemies who did all of these things to him. Some of these things were done by the people closest to him; the ones he called brother and friend. When did the only way a person can show they love us, is by not hurting us or causing us pain? Especially when we make mistakes that hurt the ones we love all the time. We know we made these mistakes and we love them; and yet we hold others to this different condition of, to love me is not to hurt me.
People make mistakes and it can hurt. But what truly hurts us and causes us our deepest heartache, sorrow and grief are the conditions that we are putting on love and life. It is these self-created prisons and self-inflicted pain that is in the way of our greatest happiness. If we put it there, then we have the power to remove it.
We can make a different choice and embrace a different way of thinking. We can remove the conditions we are putting on ourselves, on our lives, on others, on love and on God. We can strive for perfection and embrace our imperfections that lead to mistakes, which are merely learning and growing experiences. We can embrace a life that is filled with problems through grace and patience, and by doing so come to know what God is trying to teach us. We can experience problems while loving and being loved in all its messiness. And we can forgive; forgive ourselves, forgive others, and forgive God. It's that simple; the easiness or hardness is up to us and what conditions we decide to embrace.
I don't know about you but I know that for me, I choose to serve the Lord and receive of his unconditional love. And come what may, I will strive to reflect that unconditional love in my life to the best of my ability, problems and all.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for Pandora. My outlet where my kitchen radio is plugged into has broken, for unknown reasons to my children. Apparently I don't know and it wasn't me are the culprits. So thank you Pandora because I can stream music from my ipod when I am tired of my regular music.
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Know yourself best. People don't tell you who you are, you tell them." ~ Unknown Author
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Free Ticket
Yesterday I posted about the upcoming Whole Person Preparedness Conference. Today I want to announce that I have a free ticket to the conference for one lucky winner. I will hold the drawing for this ticket on March 9th.
You can enter to win the ticket by leaving a comment with your name on this post. I will choose a winner from these comments. Once the winner has been chosen I will contact you about how to receive your ticket.
Good luck!
You can enter to win the ticket by leaving a comment with your name on this post. I will choose a winner from these comments. Once the winner has been chosen I will contact you about how to receive your ticket.
Good luck!
Monday, March 2, 2015
Whole Person Preparedness Conference
If you are interested in learning how to prepare yourself for the world you are living in today as well as the world you may be facing tomorrow, come to the Whole Person Preparedness Conference. I will have a booth where I will be offering free intuitive readings for anyone who is interested in learning more about them.
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for my feelings. Many times they feel overwhelming or confusing. Other times they just plain old hurt. But whatever I may think or feel about my feelings, the point is that I feel and what a blessing that is.
Sunday, March 1, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world." ~ Lucille Ball
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Let It Go
I know the song "Let It Go" has been out for a while but I love it. It speaks to me on so many levels. I have spent so much of my life trying to be something I'm not, perfect. It has caused me so much unhappiness. I have come to learn that striving for perfection is not trying to live as though you make no mistakes and have no flaws. It is not trying to bury those things you don't like about yourself or feel you fall short of deep inside where no one can see it.
Striving for perfection is simply about taking every opportunity to learn and grow from your experiences. It is coming to understand what didn't work and trying something else next time. Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. It is time to stop the insane behaviors and choices that come from trying to be perfect and embrace the gift that striving for perfection gives us, growth.
So let go of trying to be perfect and let God grow something wonderful in you as you strive for perfection.
"Let It Go"
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a foot print to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried!
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know!
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door!
I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway!
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all!
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I'm free!
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry!
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on!
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past!
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone!
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway!
Striving for perfection is simply about taking every opportunity to learn and grow from your experiences. It is coming to understand what didn't work and trying something else next time. Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome. It is time to stop the insane behaviors and choices that come from trying to be perfect and embrace the gift that striving for perfection gives us, growth.
So let go of trying to be perfect and let God grow something wonderful in you as you strive for perfection.
"Let It Go"
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight
Not a foot print to be seen
A kingdom of isolation,
And it looks like I'm the queen.
The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried!
Don't let them in, don't let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
Well, now they know!
Let it go, let it go
Can't hold it back anymore
Let it go, let it go
Turn away and slam the door!
I don't care
What they're going to say
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway!
It's funny how some distance
Makes everything seem small
And the fears that once controlled me
Can't get to me at all!
It's time to see what I can do
To test the limits and break through
No right, no wrong, no rules for me, I'm free!
Let it go, let it go
I am one with the wind and sky
Let it go, let it go
You'll never see me cry!
Here I stand
And here I'll stay
Let the storm rage on!
My power flurries through the air into the ground
My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around
And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast
I'm never going back,
The past is in the past!
Let it go, let it go
And I'll rise like the break of dawn
Let it go, let it go
That perfect girl is gone!
Here I stand
In the light of day
Let the storm rage on,
The cold never bothered me anyway!
Monday, February 23, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for my glasses. I get tired of them at times but without them there are times that I would not be able to see very well.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Stop hating yourself for what you aren't. Start loving yourself for everything you are." ~ Author Unknown
Thursday, February 19, 2015
An extra measure of love
As a parent I am often working to find a way to motivate, guide and discipline my children all in the hopes of helping them to be happy. There are many times when my efforts feel in vain. Too often I am left feeling a failure and as though I haven't helped my children but hindered them.
Often I feel I am intending my efforts to be one way and then they are received in another. I am working to instruct them and they take it as criticism. And on the merry go round we go, where it will stop I sure don't know. Sometimes life at home feels this way and when it does it can feel like it's all there is. No parent's dreams of having a baby entail these frustrating moments.
One of the things I have had a hard time with is making sure that my children know I love them even though I am disciplining them. I find myself pulling away from them when they have done something they shouldn't because I don't want to encourage the behavior. But there is a difference between trying not to condone behavior and with drawing from them. Even though there is a need for discipline there is also a greater need for the reassurance of love.
Reassuring love in the face of making a mistake can be the antidote to a wounded spirit. It can be the difference between repeating the mistake or learning from it. It can be difficult to love yourself when you are making a mistake. But that is exactly what is needed to get back on track. A child isn't going to learn how to do this for themselves if we can't teach it to them by loving them when they mess up.
God can seem like a strict parent at times. But I think those are moments when we are not understanding him. I know there are many stories in the scriptures of God's wrath towards those who repeatedly rebel against him. I am not speaking to those more extreme actions at the moment. Rather I am focusing on those times when one is making unwise decisions without realizing the ramifications of them. In these instances the Lord chastises in love, not with sarcasm or by being demeaning. And he also follows up with an extra measure of love, consoling and guiding, giving instruction on how to improve.
He is to be our example in all things. Isn't he more so in this, a time when we are guiding our children in how to learn from their mistakes rather than becoming one more of the many who turn to self-doubt, self-beat up and self-betrayal by not being able to be loving towards themselves and their imperfections.
I know that I am not perfect and I have made more mistakes than I care for but the real tragedy is not learning from them and repeating them. So whether it is yourself, your child or someone else; make sure you're not reprimanding from anger with sarcasm but do so from love. And follow up with an extra measure of love by reminding them of the goodness that is still within them and supporting them through their growing pains.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for the things that frustrate me. If it weren't for these things there would be a lot of conversations I wouldn't of had with my heavenly father. Unfortunately there are times I've only turned to him because of my frustrations.
Sunday, February 15, 2015
Quotes to live by
"I'd rather regret the things I've done than the things I haven't done." ~ Lucille Ball
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Embrace the Sun!
I love the weather. It is spring! It's warm enough to be out all day playing without a coat and cool enough not to need to run for cover to air conditioned environments. Awesome!
So get outside and love that sun. The sun isn't just nurturing the trees, grass and flowers into blossoming and thriving. It is nurturing you. It's healing and sustaining. You are meant to bask in the warmth of it like the daisies and lilies. Enjoy, even if it's only for 5 minutes. Do it. You'll feel better.
The sun is a known anti-depressant, it will improve your mood and help you feel better. Go play and have fun in the sun!
So get outside and love that sun. The sun isn't just nurturing the trees, grass and flowers into blossoming and thriving. It is nurturing you. It's healing and sustaining. You are meant to bask in the warmth of it like the daisies and lilies. Enjoy, even if it's only for 5 minutes. Do it. You'll feel better.
The sun is a known anti-depressant, it will improve your mood and help you feel better. Go play and have fun in the sun!
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for rain. I have always loved the rain. I love the sound of it. I love the clean feeling it leaves behind. I love being inside reading while it rains.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Quotes to live by
"Life may not be the party we hoped for but while we're here we should dance." ~ Author Unknown
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Lessons for a Lighthouse
I went to an LDS Holistic Living Mind Body and Spirit Conference this weekend. I met a lot of wonderful people and was inspired by some amazing speakers. One of them is Kathy Truman. She is a gifted energy worker, life coach and emotional spiritual counselor. She made some powerful statements and shared information that has lifted me and inspired my perspective in life. I want to share with you a snippet of some of the things I gained from seeing her speak.
Lessons from a Lighthouse
By Kathy Truman
One of my favorite quotes is: "Lighthouses don't run all around the island looking for boats to save, they just stand there shining." There are so many lessons to be learned from this quote. We may have loved ones who are out in the stormy seas in one way or another. How often are we chasing all around trying to save them. They may or may not be paddling for shore. This is not something a lighthouse can control. If we are to represent the lighthouse, how much guidance can we give to those in the dark seas if we jump into the water with them? Is the lighthouse the destination or is the ultimate destination the island? Are we the Savior or are we to point the way to the Savior? Lighthouses are often battered by stormy seas. The only reason they don't fall is because they are built upon the rock. We can best shine our light if our foundation is solid on the rock of the gospel. The lighthouse itself doesn't do the shining. It is the source of power and light within that reaches through the foggy night to draw the lost sailors to safety. May we also recognize that it is only when we shine with the true source of power and light in Christ that we can be a guiding light to lost souls. These souls can then choose to find the light of Christ in their own lives and then stand as a lighthouse for others.
Lessons from a Lighthouse
By Kathy Truman
One of my favorite quotes is: "Lighthouses don't run all around the island looking for boats to save, they just stand there shining." There are so many lessons to be learned from this quote. We may have loved ones who are out in the stormy seas in one way or another. How often are we chasing all around trying to save them. They may or may not be paddling for shore. This is not something a lighthouse can control. If we are to represent the lighthouse, how much guidance can we give to those in the dark seas if we jump into the water with them? Is the lighthouse the destination or is the ultimate destination the island? Are we the Savior or are we to point the way to the Savior? Lighthouses are often battered by stormy seas. The only reason they don't fall is because they are built upon the rock. We can best shine our light if our foundation is solid on the rock of the gospel. The lighthouse itself doesn't do the shining. It is the source of power and light within that reaches through the foggy night to draw the lost sailors to safety. May we also recognize that it is only when we shine with the true source of power and light in Christ that we can be a guiding light to lost souls. These souls can then choose to find the light of Christ in their own lives and then stand as a lighthouse for others.
Monday, February 2, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
I am grateful for the opportunity to share my gifts and help people. When I do I am on cloud nine. When I don't I feel like a stick in the mud. If I have a choice, which I do, I choose to be on cloud nine.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Here goes nothing
Today I am excited to say that I have finally begun writing my book...
And now I feel at a loss for words to describe my hopes, desires, concerns and fears about it all. I have put this off for sooooo long and now I am here doing it. It feels daunting and exciting all at the same time. I hope I never lose this feeling as I progress further down my journey.
As scary as it seems there is an excitement in actually doing it. Procrastination is a terrible companion to visited by and I have seen more of it than I care to. I think it may still pay me a visit but I hope I can stay focused on how excited I feel rather than worrying over what others think about what I am doing.
So I bravely go to begin writing as openly as I can without censoring those things I feel inspired to write because of the concern of what others think about me. It seems daunting but only if I put more value in what other people think above what my heart is compelled to share.
This has been a long held dream of mine and I am grateful for the opportunity to do it. I know it has only taken me so long because I cared too much of my perception of the thoughts of others, which may not even have been accurate. Who am I to say how anyone would think? The fact is, I don't know what people will think; I can only presume which is based off of way too many what if's and not enough what is.
I hope for you that you to may let go of worrying over what others think, grasp your dream and go for it. Good luck.
Maybe I'm not at a loss for words after all. Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll share snippets of what I am writing. You know, kill two birds with one stone. Wish me luck.
And now I feel at a loss for words to describe my hopes, desires, concerns and fears about it all. I have put this off for sooooo long and now I am here doing it. It feels daunting and exciting all at the same time. I hope I never lose this feeling as I progress further down my journey.
As scary as it seems there is an excitement in actually doing it. Procrastination is a terrible companion to visited by and I have seen more of it than I care to. I think it may still pay me a visit but I hope I can stay focused on how excited I feel rather than worrying over what others think about what I am doing.
So I bravely go to begin writing as openly as I can without censoring those things I feel inspired to write because of the concern of what others think about me. It seems daunting but only if I put more value in what other people think above what my heart is compelled to share.
This has been a long held dream of mine and I am grateful for the opportunity to do it. I know it has only taken me so long because I cared too much of my perception of the thoughts of others, which may not even have been accurate. Who am I to say how anyone would think? The fact is, I don't know what people will think; I can only presume which is based off of way too many what if's and not enough what is.
I hope for you that you to may let go of worrying over what others think, grasp your dream and go for it. Good luck.
Maybe I'm not at a loss for words after all. Stay tuned, I'm sure I'll share snippets of what I am writing. You know, kill two birds with one stone. Wish me luck.
Monday, January 26, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for my seventeen year old not doing her chores. I would definitely prefer that she do her chores. And even though she hasn't done them, it is a sign that she is still at home. The years have gone by much too quickly and I fear if I blink to long she will be all grown up and moved out.
There isn't much more time that I have the privilege of having her young and at home. I want to make the most of the time I have left with my little girl before she is all grown up and moving onto a life of her own. It will be a new aspect to our relationship but I want to enjoy what I have now before it passes.
There isn't much more time that I have the privilege of having her young and at home. I want to make the most of the time I have left with my little girl before she is all grown up and moving onto a life of her own. It will be a new aspect to our relationship but I want to enjoy what I have now before it passes.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
Sleepy Head
Lately I have had great difficulty getting myself to bed at a reasonable time so I can rest. I know that I am tired and I want to sleep but for one reason or another I find myself going to bed late night after night. Tonight is no exception. Although by the time I finish this and publish it, it will probably be morning.
Why do I do this to myself? More often than not I would say I have no idea but that's just blowing smoke. I know good and well I do it. I don't want to go to bed. It's not that I want to make myself tired on purpose, it's just that I want time to myself to do the things I want to do and it seems that late at night is a time I can do it.
Another thing is it seems the more I try to convince myself to get to bed, the more rebellious I become and the later I stay up. Needless to say this method isn't working for me. And this isn't the only situation in which one part of me is trying to accomplish something while the other part is being a full on brat about things.
And guess what, this is perfectly normal. As normal as it may be, it stinks and can really put a kink in the system of whatever it is you are trying to do.
The clock just changed to midnight, so it's official. I am up later than I wanted to be again. So as you can see, trying to accomplish some things we want by forcing ourselves to do things is not always the best plan of action. Giving ourselves a choice by asking the right questions may be the better plan. Not to mention a reward system.
So instead of planning to try and make myself go to bed I am going to try a new approach. I am going to start asking myself a question, "What do I want more, to stay up or to wake up with energy for my day?" Perhaps presenting it to myself as a choice where I can choose the desired outcome will provide the motivation to choose the change I have been avoiding and in turn reaping the fatigue and sheer exhaustion of that choice. I am also going to give myself a reward for going to bed at an earlier time.
No one wants to feel like a caged animal, especially human beings. And that's exactly how we feel when we feel we do not have a choice. Often our biological response is fight or flight. Having a choice is true freedom. It is in being free that we are willing to stay and see a thing through to the end.
Whatever you're struggling with that you haven't been able to move past or change, maybe it's time to find a new approach. Find a way to enlarge the parameters, expand the perspective or create a larger content to view the issue from. Maybe as you do this, you will find the solution starring you in the face. Good luck.
I'll keep you posted on my adventures in sleeping.
Why do I do this to myself? More often than not I would say I have no idea but that's just blowing smoke. I know good and well I do it. I don't want to go to bed. It's not that I want to make myself tired on purpose, it's just that I want time to myself to do the things I want to do and it seems that late at night is a time I can do it.
Another thing is it seems the more I try to convince myself to get to bed, the more rebellious I become and the later I stay up. Needless to say this method isn't working for me. And this isn't the only situation in which one part of me is trying to accomplish something while the other part is being a full on brat about things.
And guess what, this is perfectly normal. As normal as it may be, it stinks and can really put a kink in the system of whatever it is you are trying to do.
The clock just changed to midnight, so it's official. I am up later than I wanted to be again. So as you can see, trying to accomplish some things we want by forcing ourselves to do things is not always the best plan of action. Giving ourselves a choice by asking the right questions may be the better plan. Not to mention a reward system.
So instead of planning to try and make myself go to bed I am going to try a new approach. I am going to start asking myself a question, "What do I want more, to stay up or to wake up with energy for my day?" Perhaps presenting it to myself as a choice where I can choose the desired outcome will provide the motivation to choose the change I have been avoiding and in turn reaping the fatigue and sheer exhaustion of that choice. I am also going to give myself a reward for going to bed at an earlier time.
No one wants to feel like a caged animal, especially human beings. And that's exactly how we feel when we feel we do not have a choice. Often our biological response is fight or flight. Having a choice is true freedom. It is in being free that we are willing to stay and see a thing through to the end.
Whatever you're struggling with that you haven't been able to move past or change, maybe it's time to find a new approach. Find a way to enlarge the parameters, expand the perspective or create a larger content to view the issue from. Maybe as you do this, you will find the solution starring you in the face. Good luck.
I'll keep you posted on my adventures in sleeping.
Monday, January 19, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for being up even when I am tired. I may feel tired but if I am awake it means that I have been given another day to live and make of it what I will.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
The fear of being told "No"
There have been many times in my life when I didn't ask for what I wanted because I was worried someone was going to tell me "No". I can look back over my life and see the many missed opportunities and disappointments because of worrying over this. This summer I had a big aha moment regarding this irrational fear.
I say irrational because it is. It's irrational because we are so worried over someone telling us "No" that we do not bother asking for what we want. But in the very act of not asking, you are giving yourself an automatic and resounding "No".
You can't be living more in the land of "No" than when you don't ask for what you want. Not asking for what you want is a 100% guaranteed "No, Nada, Zilch, Zero, and quite frankly it ain't happening." It's a no with a capital N O followed by several exclamation points: NO!!! When we don't ask for what we want; it isn't another person telling us No, we are telling ourselves No.
When we don't ask for what we want we are not even giving the other person the choice to tell us yes or no. We are making the decision for them. And we are then conveniently laying the blame at their feet saying, "They were going to say no anyway." When we do this we are not accepting responsibility for ourselves and we are blaming someone else who isn't being given a choice in the matter.
We say we didn't ask because we are scared someone will say "No". I think the opposite is true. Since not asking is a guaranteed no, then asking means there is a possibility someone will say yes. One of my favorite phrases is, "You never know unless you ask." The truth is you do know. You may not know of a guaranteed yes but there are things we know for certain. Not asking is a sure NO. Asking opens the door to a possible Yes.
You see, most of us build our lives on shaky half truths or bold face lies. We tell ourselves all the time what we can't do and who we are not, all the while we hide from who we really are. Marianne Williamson says, "It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Not asking for what we want and not getting what we want reinforces the carefully built story we tell ourselves. The story about not being beautiful or talented. Not being strong, smart or brave. But it especially it reinforces the stories about no one loving or caring about us, not being special, or important.
If you were to start asking for what you want and begin being told yes so you get what you want; it would begin to unravel these carefully constructed stories. You would be faced with the truth of the magnificent amazing being that you are. In the face of the success that arrives from putting yourself out there and asking for what you want, you would see the love and concern on your behalf, the importance you have in the world and how much you matter to your sphere of influence.
Again as Marianne Williamson says, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." The truth is, none of us are afraid of being told no. We do this to ourselves on a regular basis every time we don't ask for what we want. We've become quite adept at telling ourselves no. Our real fear is of being told yes and having to face the fact that as Marianne Williamson says, "We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone."
If the glory of God resides within you, then in all honesty, there are no limits to the possibilities for you.
I say irrational because it is. It's irrational because we are so worried over someone telling us "No" that we do not bother asking for what we want. But in the very act of not asking, you are giving yourself an automatic and resounding "No".
You can't be living more in the land of "No" than when you don't ask for what you want. Not asking for what you want is a 100% guaranteed "No, Nada, Zilch, Zero, and quite frankly it ain't happening." It's a no with a capital N O followed by several exclamation points: NO!!! When we don't ask for what we want; it isn't another person telling us No, we are telling ourselves No.
When we don't ask for what we want we are not even giving the other person the choice to tell us yes or no. We are making the decision for them. And we are then conveniently laying the blame at their feet saying, "They were going to say no anyway." When we do this we are not accepting responsibility for ourselves and we are blaming someone else who isn't being given a choice in the matter.
We say we didn't ask because we are scared someone will say "No". I think the opposite is true. Since not asking is a guaranteed no, then asking means there is a possibility someone will say yes. One of my favorite phrases is, "You never know unless you ask." The truth is you do know. You may not know of a guaranteed yes but there are things we know for certain. Not asking is a sure NO. Asking opens the door to a possible Yes.
You see, most of us build our lives on shaky half truths or bold face lies. We tell ourselves all the time what we can't do and who we are not, all the while we hide from who we really are. Marianne Williamson says, "It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." Not asking for what we want and not getting what we want reinforces the carefully built story we tell ourselves. The story about not being beautiful or talented. Not being strong, smart or brave. But it especially it reinforces the stories about no one loving or caring about us, not being special, or important.
If you were to start asking for what you want and begin being told yes so you get what you want; it would begin to unravel these carefully constructed stories. You would be faced with the truth of the magnificent amazing being that you are. In the face of the success that arrives from putting yourself out there and asking for what you want, you would see the love and concern on your behalf, the importance you have in the world and how much you matter to your sphere of influence.
Again as Marianne Williamson says, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure." The truth is, none of us are afraid of being told no. We do this to ourselves on a regular basis every time we don't ask for what we want. We've become quite adept at telling ourselves no. Our real fear is of being told yes and having to face the fact that as Marianne Williamson says, "We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone."
If the glory of God resides within you, then in all honesty, there are no limits to the possibilities for you.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for my business. Whatever failures or successes I think I am having doesn't matter because either way I am working and doing what I love.
If you are not doing what you love, maybe it's time to re-evaluate what you are doing.
If you are not doing what you love, maybe it's time to re-evaluate what you are doing.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Quotes to live by
"The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me." ~ Ayn Rand
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Update to mistyroses healing
“balancing the spiritual with the physical”
At mistyroses healing, I offer holistic healing and coaching services customized to each client. This is done to help them to overcome obstacles and walls that are many times subconsciously placed in their path by themselves. I do this by performing several techniques such as intuitive readings, chakra clearings, visualizations, and energy healing to name a few.
Just as each client is unique, each session is customized to the client to maximize the benefit to them in the time allotted. Coaching can help provide clarity of perspective in your life experiences. It can also help to bring healing and peace to your heart, mind and soul.
Mistyroses healing was created out of my desire to provide sacred experiences that help people to bring their spiritual and physical selves together in balance. I want to help people live a more complete and fulfilled life. My mission is to help people remember who they are and their relationship with God so they can heal and feel the love they deserve. It is my hope that they will be able to move forward and do the things that allow them to be a gift to the world. It is in being the gift we are and letting our lights shine that we can create our dreams and obtain the goals we desire for ourselves.
“We were born to make manifest the glory of God. It is not just in some of us; it is in every one of us.” Marianne Williamson
Services offered:
Holistic Healing/Energy Work
Intuitive Readings (Individual and Groups up to 10 people)
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
Visualization Processes to build feelings of safety and well being
Call 801.791.0779 for pricing and referral program
Services offered:
Holistic Healing/Energy Work
Intuitive Readings (Individual and Groups up to 10 people)
Chakra Clearing and Balancing
Visualization Processes to build feelings of safety and well being
Call 801.791.0779 for pricing and referral program
Monday, January 5, 2015
Attitude of Gratitude
Today I am grateful for my children. Growing up, I always wanted to be a mother. Because of my children I have been given what I wanted for so long.
Sunday, January 4, 2015
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